德西效应Overjustification Effect
作者: 心理空间整理 / 29260次阅读 时间: 2011年11月07日
标签: 德西效应
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f }%T(H^ x0是指在某些情况下,当外加报酬内感报酬兼得的时候,不但不会使工作的动机力量培增,积极性更高,反而其效果降低,变成是二者之差,外加报酬(主要是奖励)反而会抵消内感报酬的作用。
V1tt z T9F0【实验】德西在1971年作了专门的实验。他让大学生做被试,在实验室里解有趣的智力难题。实验分三个阶段,第一阶段,所有的被试都无奖励;第二阶段,将被试分为两组,实验组的被试第完成一个难题可得到1美元的报酬,而控制组的被试跟第一阶段相同,无报酬;第三阶段,为休息时间,被试可以在原地自由活动,并把他们是否继续去解题作为喜爱这项活动的程度指标。 
r^o'~K*]}0【结果】实验组(奖励组)被试在第二阶段确实十分努力,而在第三阶段继续解题的人数很少,表明兴趣与努力的程度在减弱,而控制组(无奖励组)被试有更多人花更多的休息时间在继续解题,表明兴趣与努力的程度在增强。 心理学空间|)N|-]-t:e6T
关于德西效应的可能解释:心理学空间[ flb+gEP#O,M1}
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W(FM_l-z2^Fz0结果,实验组(奖励组)被试者在第二阶段确实十分努力,而在第三阶段继续解题的人数很少,表明兴趣与努力的程度在减弱,而控制组(无奖励组)被试者有更多人花更多的休息时间在继续解题,表明兴趣与努力的程度在增强。心理学空间f V'TD$}CA!l
:yW3``p m5]x6U0这个原理是,把孩子们的内在动机——玩的兴趣,转化为外在动机——为了报酬。而外在动机是可以控制的,当刺激物逐渐减少的时候,诱因和驱力也在降低,于是动机在丧失,孩子们的行为产生了“消退”。
Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation
Bikt4z Afn&UN3]0 Author: Deci, E. L. (University of Rochester)心理学空间(^.~h`*U"L&a?%](o5R+J
JOURNAL: Journal of personality and social psychology, 18(??), 105 - 115. YEAR:1971心理学空间teO k~O [J$D
PUB TYPE:Journal Article
8? \i os0SUBJECT(S):None心理学空间{;n P c3z\
DISCIPLINE:Psychology心理学空间9|?Q _L)G_/\+h

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-HX"tz uXe wg0The Overjustification Effect心理学空间t#MlJ v)i q
The Overjustification Effect心理学空间7U#eGh,|4cO w
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Following on the heels of Daryl Bem’s 1965 theory of self-perception, the overjustification effect states that how individuals will feel toward performing certain tasks is determined by whether they are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to perform the task (Deci, 1971). Using the self-perception theory’s prediction that when extrinsic motivations are present they will take precedent over intrinsic motivations, the overjustification effect reveals the importance of motivation on performance (Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett).
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;^yu;t4BY0Understanding Motivation心理学空间5c'n k%O3RQ+H
In understanding the overjustification effect, it is important to distinguish between the two types of motivation present: intrinsic and extrinsic.
j4vCU@0Intrinsic motivation is the desire to perform an activity out of the enjoyment derived from the activity itself. In performing an intrinsically motivated activity, an individual expects no external reward; the activity is a reward in itself. An example of an intrinsically motivated activity would be one that a person does as a hobby or in his or her free time.心理学空间9JZCcx
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation to perform an activity because the activity leads to something else. The desire to perform an extrinsically motivated activity comes not from the activity itself, but from rewards or benefits associated with the activity. An example of an extrinsically motivated activity would be chores that are preformed for an allowance. The chores themselves are not pleasurable, but the cash that result from completing them is.心理学空间,]p+o'wG3v4a%S6B
Both intrinsic and extrinsic motives can be present in an activity. In such a case, the salience of extrinsic motivation over intrinsic motivation is the basis for the overjustification effect.
Origins of the Overjustification Effect心理学空间6E#f)^tW6se{
In 1971, Deci suggested that in a situation where an individual was to receive a reward for an activity, and knew about the reward prior to participating in said activity, then the individual would attribute his or her behavior to the reward instead of the activity itself. Deci’s theory led to the hypothesis that once an activity is associated with the external reward, a person will be less inclined to participate in the activity in the future without a reward present.心理学空间r ^ k'v:v f)U+a'j\&S
Deci (1971) conducted a study in which students were either asked to solve puzzles for money or no money. After the payment stopped, the researchers noted if the students continued to work on the puzzles. Those that had received money (an extrinsic motivation for solving the puzzles) did in fact become less inclined to work on the puzzles once they were no longer paid to do so. The students who had not been paid (they only had intrinsic motivation) continued to show an interest in the puzzles.心理学空间P]s3C)dj!l8x
Confirming the Overjustification Hypothesis心理学空间s)@%^3F$]-fB
Two years after Deci’s study, a group of researchers tested the overjustification hypothesis in a field experiment. Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett (1973) went to a nursery school and observed children’s intrinsic interest in various activities. The children were then put into one of three conditions for the experiment.
1{;kN XL&vO0• In the first condition, known as the “expected-award condition,” children were told they would receive a reward (a certificate with a seal and a ribbon) for partaking in the activity that they were previously doing out of pure intrinsic interest.
8n6Y {0tlv#z+?0• In the second condition, the “unexpected-award condition,” the children were not told of the reward until after they finished the activity.心理学空间/Qg%q"L^|
• In the third condition, also called the “no-reward condition,” the researchers did not tell or give the children any reward. This group thus served as the control group, since extrinsic rewards were not involved either before or after performance.心理学空间p5?fZne8^ x/\7g
The extrinsic reward phase ended with the researchers giving the children the certificates based on their condition group. In the following phase, the researchers let the children go about their activities, but this time without offering or giving any rewards. In accordance with the overjustification hypothesis, the children in the “expected-reward condition” had become less interested in their activities since the introduction of the extrinsic motivation. However, there was no change in the interest of the group who received the reward unexpectedly. This is because the children in this condition did not know about the reward until after the activity, and therefore attributed their behavior to an enjoyment of the activity. Similarly, those who did not expect or receive a reward had no extrinsic motivation, and showed no decline in interest as a result.心理学空间#F"t1a j;?#_2eJ?3[
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Controversies over the Overjustification Effect
x;y;S\7M~ I0The overjustification effect is wholly disquieting to behavioral psychologists, whose theories conflict with overjustification. These so-called behaviorists began doing their own studies to disprove the overjustification effect.心理学空间!ko%W#y iZ(W&k
A reply to this critique was fast in coming by motivationalists (those who support self-perception and overjustification). Deci, along with Cascio and Krusell (1975), acknowledged Calder and Staw’s doubts as to whether non-contingent monetary rewards would result in the overjustification effect. However, they did not say the overjustification effect was incorrect in this area; merely that other studies needed to be done.心理学空间9Es-W+hH'YI B0WT
In 1983, R. M. Ryan, V. Mims, and Koestner placed their support behind the overjustification effect. They addressed Calder and Staw’s argument that non-contingent rewards discredit the overjustification effect by countering that non-contingent rewards are not tied to the activity in question. Thus, they run little risk of undermining intrinsic motivation.
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Meta-analyses and the Conclusion to the Controversies
*_ RCoc#~{%[ d0With so many studies into the overjustification effect, meta-analyses of these studies were eventually done. In one significant meta-analysis in 1995, psychologists Tang and Hall sufficiently concluded that physical rewards which were made contingent upon completing an activity, did in fact undermine intrinsic interest in the activity.心理学空间jm} nE }
Twenty-five years after Calder and Staw (1974) published their firsts doubts, another meta-analysis was performed in 1999 that confirmed that extrinsic motivation has a negative impact on intrinsic motivation. This meta-analysis is the work of Deci, Koestner, and Ryan (1999). It examined 128 carefully conducted experiments and found that tangible rewards do, indeed, greatly weaken intrinsic motivation.
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Relevance for Everyday Life
Dv$M9u;t0The overjustification effect, as stated in Deci, Koestner, and Ryan’s meta-analysis, has significant consequences for many people. When control is placed on individuals by offering them incentives, the long term effect will be a loss in intrinsic motivation, accompanied by negative performance. This applies to classrooms, sports teams, as well as other environments. Should a reward be present, there is a risk of losing the enjoyment of the activity for itself.心理学空间-x2Vb0};v2t4lzw
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Works Cited心理学空间X`Hi,D
Bem, D. J. (1967). Self-perception: An alternative interpretation of cognitive dissonance phenomena. Psychological Review, 74, 183–200.心理学空间 t&_ @o_
Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 18, 105-115.心理学空间pMwQ-ik'K
Lepper, M. R., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. E. (1973). Undermining children's intrinsic interest with extrinsic rewards: A test of the “overjustification” hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28, 129–137.心理学空间-W2M1N&R3sE d o3R
Lepper, M. R. & Greene, D. (1974). Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Children's Subsequent Intrinsic Interest. Child Development, 45, 1141-1145
s#~^,L#Mg7? Y0Deci, E. L., Cascio, W. F., & Krusell, J. (1975). Cognitive evaluation theory and some comments on the Calder and Staw critique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 81-85.心理学空间 ub&Quo }7J
Ryan, R. M., Mims, V., & Koestner, R. (1983). Relation of reward contingency and interpersonal context to intrinsic motivation: A review and test using cognitive evaluation theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 736-750.心理学空间@/m!^*OC%u2b'Xt1q
Tang, S-H., & Hall, V. C. (1995). The overjustification effect: A meta-analysis. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, 365-404.
1iY0w'U9x0Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 627-668.心理学空间 N%Z]RF {

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