作者: 彭聃龄 / 13104次阅读 时间: 2011年11月04日
标签: 彭聃龄


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En dG n$A8S0(2011-11-03 21:15:00)

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T9iM6{ h$K*JE+R7U0今年7月29日Science上刊登了一篇题为《Human Voice Recognition Depends on Language Ability》的文章,作者是美国MIT的三位研究者。文章的篇幅只有一页,字数不足700个英语单词,只有一个行为实验,既没有采用先进的实验设备,也没有使用复杂的统计方法,结果也只是一张图表。在昨天的《星期三》讨论会上,课题组的一位研究生向大家介绍了这篇文章,引起了大家很大的兴趣和热烈的讨论。就是这样一篇文章,为什么能发表在“顶尖级”的刊物Science上呢?心理学空间z tO h y.O K






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m}U X.I0当然,发表一篇好文章,还需要许多其他的条件,如研究者在某个领域的研究积累和声望,写作经验和能力等等。本文的通信作者在这个领域很有影响,已经在Science上发表过文章,这些就不必分析了。



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Human Voice Recognition Depends on Language Ability

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Tyler K. Perrachione, 1 * Stephanie N. Del Tufo, 1 John D. E. Gabrieli 1,2 *心理学空间OwHLtN#gI9B


The ability to recognize individual conspecifics from their communicative vocalizations is an adaptive trait evinced widely among social and territorial animals, including humans. Studies of human voice recognition compare this ability to nonverbal processes, such as human perception of faces or nonhuman animals’ perception of vocalizations (1). However, the human voice is also the principal medium for the human capacity of language, as conveyed through speech. Human listeners are more accurate at identifying voices when they can understand the language being spoken (2), an advantage thought to depend on listeners’ knowledge of phonology— the rules governing sound structure in their language. Leading theories of dyslexia propose that impoverished phonological processing often underlies impaired reading ability in this disorder (3, 4). We therefore hypothesized that, if voice recognition by human listeners relies on linguistic (phonological) representations, listeners with dyslexia would be impaired compared with control participants when identifying voices speaking their native language (because of impaired phonological processing) but unimpaired in voice recognition for an unfamiliar, foreign language (where both individuals with and without dyslexia lack relevant language-specific phonological representations).

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We assessed participants with and without dyslexia for their ability to learn to recognize voices speaking either the listener’s native language (English) or an unfamiliar, foreign language (Mandarin Chinese). In each language, participants learned to associate five talkers’ voices with unique cartoon avatars and were subsequently tested on their ability to correctly identify those voices. The participants’ task was to indicate who of the five talkers spoke in each trial [fivealternative forced choice; chance = 20% accuracy (5)]. Despite using the same vocabulary, all speakers of a language differ in their pronunciations of words (6), and listeners can use their phonological abilities to perceive these differences as part of a speaker’s vocal identity. A repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that, compared with controls, dyslexic participants were significantly impaired at recognizing the voices speaking English but unimpaired for those speaking Chinese (group × condition interaction, P < 0.0006) (Fig. 1).

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English-speaking listeners with normal reading ability were significantly more accurate identifying voices speaking English than Chinese ( paired t test, P < 0.0005), performing on average 42% better in their native language (7). Englishspeaking listeners with dyslexia were no better able to identify English-speaking voices than Chinese-speaking ones (paired t test, P = 0.65), with an average performance gain of only 2% in their native language. Correspondingly, dyslexic listeners were significantly impaired compared with controls in their ability to recognize Englishspeaking voices (independent-sample t test, P < 0.0021). Dyslexic listeners were as accurate as controls when identifying the Chinese-speaking voices (independent-sample t test, P = 0.83), demonstrating that their voice-recognition deficit was not due to generalized auditory or memory impairments. Moreover, for the dyslexic participants, greater impairments on clinical assessments of phonological processing were correlated with worse accuracy for identifying Englishspeaking voices (both Pearson’s r > 0.6, P < 0.015). Although the diagnostic criterion for dyslexia is impairment in developing typical reading abilities, these data show that reading difficulties are accompanied by impaired voice recognition. This inability to learn speaker-specific representations of phonetic consistency may reflect a weakness in language learning that contributes to impoverished long-term phonological representations in dyslexia.心理学空间 C!D#}'U8To3?;n-_~

7dc9Rm'D#?:x c0J0For humans, the ability to recognize one another by voice relies on the ability to compute the differences between the incidental phonetics of a specific vocalization and the abstract phonological representations of the words that vocalization contains. When the abstract linguistic representations of words are unavailable (because the stimulus is unfamiliar, as in foreign-language speech) or impoverished (because native-language phonological representations are compromised, as in dyslexia), the human capacity for voice recognition is significantly impaired. This reliance on our faculty for language distinguishes human voice recognition from the recognition of conspecific vocalizations by other nonhuman animals.
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References and Notes心理学空间*N8dR$y P1H7X4o8r


1. P. Belin, S. Fecteau, C. Bédard, Trends Cogn. Sci. 8, 129 (2004).心理学空间[@)X9R(sAA5X [
2. T. K. Perrachione, P. C. M. Wong, Neuropsychologia 45, 1899 (2007).
gx1RV:qBwj1? h h%Q03. L. Bradley, P. E. Bryant, Nature 301, 419 (1983).心理学空间 n1Y p8@_7Z ks
4. J. D. E. Gabrieli, Science 325, 280 (2009).
,\;R3@$l,F,^Bu05. Materials and methods are available as supporting material on Science Online.
N'bM9N$s:Yc06. J. Hillenbrand, L. A. Getty, M. J. Clark, K. Wheeler, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 3099 (1995).心理学空间)L,wCZ0Z N oqh-p
7. Native Chinese-speaking controls exhibit the opposite pattern, recognizing Chinese-speaking voices more accurately than English-speaking ones (2), revealing the critical factor to be listeners’ language familiarity, not properties inherent to the voice stimuli or languages themselves.心理学空间$J:O;O&[F
Acknowledgments: We thank J. A. Christodoulou, E. S. Norton, B. Levy, C. Cardenas-Iniguez, J. Lymberis, P. Saxler, P. C. M. Wong, C. I. Moore, and S. Shattuck-Hufnagel. This work was supported by the Ellison Medical Foundation and NIH grant UL1RR025758. T.K.P. is supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
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www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/333/6042/595/DC1 Materials and Methods Fig. S1
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K7cU:Z)M(QM'j n s0References (8–16)
t)mi S b#ZH:y021 April 2011; accepted 16 June 2011心理学空间7S_2P/lk8Wc

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1 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2 McGovern Institute for Brain Research and HarvardMIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tkp@mit.edu (T.K.P.); gabrieli@mit.edu (J.D.E.G.)心理学空间O~%R V&w/m?6^p
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Fig. 1. (A) Mean voice-recognition performance of dyslexic and control listeners (error bars indicate SEM). All individuals scored above chance (20%), shown as baseline. (B and C) Relationships between clinical measures of language (phonological) ability in dyslexia and voice-recognition ability. CTOPP, Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing


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