基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8458次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词心理学空间4Wv Zk }*t

~'^6L9aS'C3H/V0心理学空间 @ sXAQ0E:~ H
Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him
Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间-tqI.v j:y2?;P)h~
心理学空间E _JEb4uO;hw
A dog barks心理学空间 g?2NMXE
amidst the sound of water;
~@l-j"G~?}"q)Y0peach blossoms
s1b C#FpGrZe^)Y0hang heavy with dewdrops.
V\"Uay+V@0犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。
QRI(\$Gz,w&XV r0心理学空间;^x{NgN'l@5o
In the deep forest心理学空间1@j?p#AEUX0O
I glimpse a passing deer;心理学空间XG8U9NA)w1`t(r$A
the rushing brook
G I4C't+l&lmN'}p?0muffles the noonday bells.
4|}5D5mkdo)C0樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
oG p'u(J0心理学空间`$a5oiD7{
Wild bamboos心理学空间5uL%Jm!k2m:L-x
slice through the green mist;
+ph#`'q}7A)s)dET0streams in flight心理学空间!M"CV_u-i2f6N8p
hang between emerald peaks.
/P\+_P7rR'dx5R$gr0野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。
d)b/d+E4s Rn^0
.Y.@5vh5c0Nobody knows心理学空间9q+r$@Lmf"Z
where the master has gone—
#Vs~-]eAEY^A0left to wonder,心理学空间K#mA B7C+q5[#VOK
I rest among some pines.心理学空间 @4CO(a5qo GF
無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。
+z Lf ~a+we9_Q0 心理学空间;ji!_c.^7^5gbX

5m'R&^5B4gg[$|+m0Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间'T0E&[1k0W5?DQ
Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间.cR7H,t6~ J:h^9Z
The wind blows catkins off the willows;
8}Vq0AZvt&l0their fragrance fills the tavern.
N/U]6K&C9o3q0Our hostess brings the guests new wine
,h({4D gC0she urges us to savor.
/l^'Mj0ia LDY0Young friends from Jinling came today心理学空间`ru-D F#L/vh,[
to drink and see me off.心理学空间)d-r6OvB?5C;k2G
I must leave, and they must stay—
.Z&s:f@ l{eO(~0we let our last cups linger.心理学空间 T?B/[n}A0z5R k/b6B
Friends, let’s ask the water flowing
#~,_+Z3z,?$Cfa7X0far away to the east:
C~4q}'w0The river, or sadness of farewell—心理学空间L bV4E3ji q/U
which of the two is longer?
R/[ ~#X-}l0請君試問東流水,別意與之誰短長。心理学空间$X9p7_`$q2Ho-g
心理学空间 uq*~wTs|2Ka1u_

7e.Z]r|$Cmj"QA0Overnight in the Pavilion by the River 心理学空间8vC4t5_w
xGnUG q0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
8w-o/Z^gr'g@ kR!j0As evening approaches心理学空间5f?;CLR9ott7}[f f
along the mountain paths
B!mOgFkFc0I come to my chamber心理学空间r7} V^ @*?*Y
above the Water Gate.
/|Fu"gNa0暝色延山徑,高齋次水門。心理学空间t"Bx_%e ^8x

jJ(}2o3K0A)oI0Wisps of cloud心理学空间 N2yk~0ll*R+i2o
rest on the edges of cliffs;
B6Ak:t#rQyPV0a lonely moon
fu!K{H2xyc)t O0slowly turns in the waves.心理学空间 [i PR s2K
薄雲岩際宿,孤月浪中翻。心理学空间o$~$H`*cZ U7Qt2_

0j]UhF Su x.U"d0A line of cranes心理学空间w%O"Q3sA({l k2?o
flies past on its silent hunt;心理学空间D3{(oX0??q
a pack of wolves
/S/S'U6eP/Z.i$O7kC0howls around its prey.
t YX9\ZVk g0鸛鶴追飛靜,豺狼得食喧。心理学空间%BZ-LL1[+q
心理学空间e;F/KF N-vK
I cannot sleep,心理学空间;v&p!YqV C p-hxDq
plagued by thoughts of war,
{X}XJY u0and powerless
um B@`^0to spare the world its fate.
ow rdA9D1@@0不眠憂戰伐,無力正乾坤。

'C*CP7I+i5BQ"i"{6d.| R0

Q"{$JB+}0Missing My Little Son 心理学空间'aH)_/oL*xnkn
(Pony Boy)
!NN)kp+ZcP0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间pKu Dv8L
杜甫心理学空间E V iOn]

"f t;eO,Rp}0It’s spring, and still
a8c$QflJ y0you're away, my Pony Boy,
Z g?{0e3Rd0while the days grow warm心理学空间-uo(bX%k g
and birdsong swells to crescendo.心理学空间6SLG'X_IW*E;F
{r)H*k$vm"Ze)x0?0This change of season
4]eFc x!xi&S0cuts like a new farewell—心理学空间#n^-y9q^ PyE!B2^
now who do I have心理学空间9o*FB6Qg-y!x.p*y _
to share my bits of wisdom?
+T t!p5Q\0別離驚節換,聰慧與誰論。心理学空间!{}Z&qW[_ [

6Y0n"MF%ab0The stream runs free心理学空间{l;mJ\o#oE
alongside the empty path,心理学空间g#Cwy*Q b
from village gate
Q2E#I2G$U.}0down into distant shadow;
tL |@8i8Y{\E0澗水空山道,柴門老樹村。心理学空间%Vd)m-I)LL ca X\ J

^^!H}7qz0My torrent of sadness心理学空间v`)_au
will drain away in my dreams
ypV!zd)f,\7l;P$i0while my back is warmed心理学空间 ze/h&q4t6vm%\
by spring sun through my window.
.\,[5~ ZBpa0憶渠愁只睡,炙背俯晴軒。心理学空间y.W;QmY"gX,i.n

jz Y,C5r$Cv0

Moonlit Night 心理学空间Y~9wXZ9qCu
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间m6i c_?.S \}k!^
月夜心理学空间'\ T'gp;Q1c/mv
Tonight the moon
"e-j q"rG}4DXV0is also full in Fuzhou,心理学空间R(F f6y#\)v(t
where my wife can only
"[ P f*VGhI,A0wait and watch alone.心理学空间;j"X'tSVo+N'~
今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。
n%D%b/_B P0心理学空间;[#p#MxIj3?1]4Rg2Q
I’m sad to think心理学空间p/Sz)sl
of my little sons and daughters,
hcBBfI]*g0too young to know
rVId(Y v@0@']5V0why I’m far away in Changan.
3xxy9I(c?T;c Z:R0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。心理学空间'@;T'bz0S/k7c

v6`G3A{0Her cloud of hair
H`^Qr6[_0must be damp from the scented mist,
@ oI~!jf5D }*b0her jade-white arms
!Rr;{!R1gFG0chilled as the light pours down.心理学空间+Is,{-h;b;t!OI
  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。
6@7V3@DL{x[sqV0{0When will we both心理学空间Qu&Bl gv
lean at the open window,
G;lo&^E2Tg? c0drying our tears心理学空间 e:Awx-ZG
in the glow of an autumn moon?心理学空间\PoJd
  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。
Vb KS^ h0

心理学空间Q5em ag-N#g6R0H1u

On the Heights心理学空间 y~)h"e*nN"? aw
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
*\}:a7ts0登高心理学空间0_H-RKRS1S+@2C:y T$W
The wind is keen and the sky wide,
1I,]1t-N'Z0G%q0apes howl mournfully;心理学空间c0J1u#u+w
the islet is clear and its sand white,
"F)S1uF2HF*g!N0birds wheel round and round.心理学空间,D cW |2q/N2r0M
Z IEB/m#R9S0心理学空间U${%VgaO"]&P,ox1I7e
In the boundless forest swirling leaves
lj1~ tf|FrrlZ0go rustling, rustling by;心理学空间)V"U*i QN!Yx?
down the endless river surging waves
(j ujNcC0w:tw0come rolling, rolling, on.心理学空间/N4E*g+H/U#A
#@*be1V:s$mb"boP0I am a constant traveler心理学空间C-ohB&wnN
this melancholy autumn—
8j*_*@oq)~ZTD0an old man now, racked by sickness,心理学空间0@t.wG&u"i5q
I scale these heights alone.
~]g1Oa0  萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。心理学空间1D4B wDw W/K+tr7B
心理学空间1` Fpfu H?:b4N
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,心理学空间^)~'p#C^
has turned my hair to frost,心理学空间 wF`3]? S3A\
left me so poor that my last cup心理学空间 r{4O?:d Bi
of cloudy wine is gone.心理学空间*Jlh:]#PYt%|

9K.P~ M!s k[0
心理学空间 _d(G.w6PT

Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night
[o c.e[WHt0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间7JO^j;^YF Z
旅夜書懷  杜甫心理学空间9q Z7`| R

8D {CK'vW:F0The fine grass心理学空间4A|QW6l4w
by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;
?;uG%Bd){H&z0the tall mast心理学空间m"H^iu:wSg
in the night is a lonely sliver.心理学空间y H*g6mrc
{8@/N4~!f GF0心理学空间B%m$pC&I4R;` i
Stars hang
llq\ll0all across the vast plain;
d5Owez|O#_ gP0the moon bobs心理学空间D Ta2rH8{#O PR
in the flow of the great river.心理学空间S/T{rX'u/i"a3u
.s~w/Jhc#G0My poetry心理学空间K-o:f#E*N%B
has not made a name for me;
6t `Ko3aHOw2Eo0now age and sickness心理学空间 Wczs@]'e
have cost me the post I was given.
,? E,K(U8[kFd0sj0  名豈文章著,官應老病休。心理学空间^;xb1@K t
心理学空间V/S | {8@@(]
Drifting, drifting,心理学空间 rav!z F/y.i(Tu
what do I resemble?
MRrB$E'mm0A lone gull心理学空间wluJA7k5k
lost between earth and heaven.心理学空间aoR(P{{;M~
  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。心理学空间4| F;o5h"U v

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