《依恋》by Susan Goldberg
作者: Susan Goldberg博士 / 32062次阅读 时间: 2011年6月14日
来源: AboutKidsHealth 标签: 依恋理论

Susan Goldberg博士系列心理学空间VF^"_ RvL
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由6个部分组成的系列探索依恋模式,贯穿孩子一生依恋的含意,以及依恋的各种影响。心理学空间 LV\vm;x z

AQNeGZ.qd-aKG0Susan Goldberg博士是依恋领域国际公认的研究专家。在儿童医院的漫长的职业生涯中,她在医院的病童的过程中,她在这一领域发表了大量文章和书籍。 2005年,她获得了著名的鲍比-安斯沃思奖,该奖由纽约联合会授予,奖励对鲍比-安斯沃思传统依恋理论的精神健康推广中心创办人和杰出的贡献者。她在推进依恋研究和儿童的健康领域誉满天下,是深受同事和学生爱戴的慷慨的导师。心理学空间.x)dt]qw(U+`R\!W
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&Ut.Ff^Ko^0这是这是依恋概念多-部分系列的第一个特点,由已故的Susan Goldberg撰写。虽然发表是在2004年至2005年期间,这6个部分组成的系列已经被Diane Benoit和她的同事Sheri Madigan更新和重新审阅,Diane Benoit也是国际公认的依恋领域的研究员。
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O1O#D#Fzch Cg0作为父母,我们要保护我们的孩子免受伤害。在我们的作为保护者的作用里,我们很容易想到的往往是提供食物,保暖,和保护我们的孩子免受疾病和危险。心理学空间&M(z-Kjo"NqX
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但是,如果我们从孩子的角度来考虑安全会怎么样呢?对于一个孩子,一个真正的危险意识是那些对成年人无害的情况。在对感知的威胁的反应中,不安的婴儿或孩子将会自然地表达他或她对于舒适和安全的需要。照顾者对此信号的响应方式教育孩子关于他或她的世界的可预见性和安全性。随着时间的推移,孩子学会是否可以依靠一个照顾者来提供舒适和安全。这反过来,又影响了他们的期待,这个世界到底将是安全的还是危险的地方。心理学空间#i3T"v x7W7c.l3[

0^j,LPmC,M P'C P0在依恋领域的研究表明,一个孩子的安全感对情感和社会意义来说的重要程度,与对身体健康来说的重要程度是一样的。保护意识的发展与婴儿-照顾者的关系直接相关。在过去的4个年代里的试验性研究已经证实,我们对早期的关系的至关重要性的直觉,以及照顾者的作为依恋对象的作用,可能成为儿童未来的社会福利和情感健康中的一个或多个因素。心理学空间$DI(}L*B5H'm&B

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人们往往对结合的概念更熟悉,但对依恋的概念就没有那么熟悉。事实上,两者是完全不同的。结合一词主要是指在照顾者和他或她的孩子之间形成的情感纽带,最初是在出生和分娩的时候。相比之下,依恋理论则侧重于孩子对照顾者的感情。心理学空间 H$M'qj1p,q
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婴儿需要一个称作“依恋对象”的特殊的人,使他们感觉安全有保障。这对于形成他们将来与人相处的方式至关重要。心理学空间wk/ZC0Y U
o } kX3Ho6e.b,uG0把依恋的过程想象成一种婴儿和照顾者之间的舞蹈。换句话说,依恋并不是完全取决于一个照顾者对于婴儿的行为。婴儿如何发出信号和如何对照顾者做出响应,也是这个过程里面的关键的组成部分。照顾者以其特定的方式对婴儿的信号做出响应,这种响应继而又由婴儿解释。根据该照顾者反应的性质,婴儿修改他或她的行为。这样,婴儿很早就学会了如何管理忧伤,或根据照顾者的反应,调节他或她的情绪。心理学空间|PA tR#G

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这些研究和观察形成了后来的依恋理论的基础。John Bowlby,一名英国儿童精神病学家,是第一个提出正式的依恋理论的人。Mary Ainsworth 扩展和证实了Bowlby在这一领域对现场的和实验室环境中的婴儿-照顾者之间互动的观察的想法。心理学空间5o-P_#f*w1a
r X tm&s9V'K5~ C.f0Ainsworth开发的'陌生情景范例',是一个实验室采用的方法,用来衡量照顾者和儿童之间依恋的质量。这个程序程涉及婴儿或幼儿与其照顾者或友好的陌生人之间的几个分离和团聚。婴儿在与照顾者团聚时的行为方式是依恋质量的主要指标。
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%]9psJ8U Wo&P0从这个简单但功能强大的自然实验中,Ainsworth确定了三种一般的依恋模式:心理学空间(I$~m)r6q,Ea a.a

L5ac Ck(f&_ rH0安全型包括在与照顾者团聚时,婴儿方面的积极的响应。大多数的婴儿属于这一类。心理学空间)b&@&yT@Ww
F c|}m)i0一个总在孩子身边,对他们的婴儿的信号敏感,有反应,并接受婴儿的不安的照顾者,通常有安全依恋的孩子。有不安全依恋的照顾者,对孩子的痛苦以及需要安慰和保护的迹象往往不够响应。这些照顾者不能在身体方面,心理方面或在情绪上给孩子以支持,或往往有不够敏感的、或不可预测的养育风格。心理学空间1J6? u } e x5V6}
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,j2D.PK K0这四个主要的婴儿-照顾者依恋模式,已经被证明是独立于一个婴儿的气质而存在的。换句话说,依恋模式关注的是婴儿和照顾者之间的关系,而不是任何一方的性格。
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;C6zo&~HO6y0研究已经表明,许多照顾者似乎本能地知道 – 经常在孩子的身边,对婴儿的信号敏感和接受,有助于促进健康的依恋。以下是照顾者要考虑的一般性的战略,当对他们的婴儿的不安或需要安慰和保护的信号作出回应时:
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3I-E gvP Z"h+m0要注意。了解和识别你的婴儿不安的迹象。心理学空间\7Ug.aU?T{z+w
作出响应。让你的孩子知道你知晓他或她的痛苦,并作出妥善的反应。心理学空间 k4@4EC6e'h:G
保持一致。对你的孩子被安慰的需要作出一致的和可预见的回应,能使一个儿童建立安全感。心理学空间Sb JSkD;Yg
7k:Mi!e{ovq x0提供安慰。宽抚和安慰你的孩子,作为对其不安的回应。心理学空间8c&N#g~ @;bj`Y
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Diane Benoit, MD, FRCPC心理学空间0|Jg Ouv5V
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Sheri Madigan, PhD, C.Psych (监督实践)
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s$q@E'?/yI0Benoit D. Attachment and parent-infant relationships... a review of attachment theory and research. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal. 2000;44(1):13-23.
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Goldberg S. Attachment and Development. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press; 2000.心理学空间Q E3R'j5N(f}i
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Goldberg S, Muir R, Kerr J, eds. Attachment Theory. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press; 1995.
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Karen R. Becoming Attached. New York: Warner Books; 1994.心理学空间#M U-b J3@-z^$T

&P"GJn A1q%iJ0The Infant Mental Health Promotion Project and the Department of Psychiatry, The Hospital for Sick Children. A Simple Gift: Comforting Your Baby [video]. Toronto: The Hospital for Sick Children; 1998. Used by permission.心理学空间5j2P/Kk,S*mk

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gI*C-NHX0Research in the field of attachment suggests that a child’s sense of safety and security is as important to emotional and social well-being as actual safety is to physical well-being. The development of a sense of protection is directly related to the quality of the infant-caregiver relationship. Empirical research over the past four decades has confirmed our intuition about the critical importance of early relationships, and how a caregiver's role as an attachment figure might be one of the more important factors for a child’s future social and emotional well-being.心理学空间6Dh'J-z/kf!dsWP,~4kx

Attachment versus bonding

3q-c,ga,VYWd*}#J0People tend to be familiar with the notion of bonding but less so with the idea of attachment. In fact, the two are quite different. The term bonding refers primarily to the emotional bonds that form between a caregiver and their child, initially as a result of the events surrounding birth and delivery. By contrast, attachment theory focuses on the child's feelings towards the caregiver.心理学空间b}l[ s};x_


>Attachment involves two components in the infant-caregiver relationship: the infant's need for protection and comfort, and the caregiver's provision of timely and appropriate care in response to these needs.

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Attachment behaviours occur when an infant is emotionally distressed, physically hurt or ill. In response to a threat to safety an infant will stop their activity and seek close contact with caregivers. Attachment behaviours also include efforts to maintain contact with the caregiver by, for example, clinging to caregivers or sitting on their lap, and any other behaviours that signal needs for comfort, such as crying.心理学空间Isl7F*`

M E-p#~Z2L*~D0Think of the process of attachment as a kind of dance between infant and caregiver. In other words, attachment is not solely concerned with a caregiver’s behaviour toward an infant. How the infant signals and responds to the caregiver is a critical part of the process. The infant’s signal is responded to in a particular way by the caregiver, which in turn is interpreted by the infant. Depending on the nature of the caregiver's response, the infant modifies their behaviour. Very early on an infant learns how to manage distress or regulate their emotions depending on the caregiver’s responses.

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P)S4zCir#o K5g0Thus, in this complex dance, different patterns of attachment develop. Infants learn to expect certain responses from their caregivers based on the reactions of their caregivers over time. By the end of the first year of life, an infant's expectations or internal working models of relationships with caregivers are established and may prove difficult to change.
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Origins of attachment theory

/w'Y2C7T,wB7`"Zt lV0Attachment theory has its origins in a number of sources. In the 1940s, children raised in orphanages were found to exhibit unusual social and emotional behaviour. Other researchers observed the behaviour of animals in natural and laboratory settings. Many animals demonstrate preferential behaviour toward a figure they are exposed to during a critical period soon after birth. Infant monkeys raised with surrogate mothers, wire frames with bottles to provide milk or covered with terrycloth to provide comfort, spent more time with the terrycloth surrogate, showing that pleasant, tactile sensation – affection — was more important than food. Although all monkeys showed abnormal social behaviour in later development, those with wire frame surrogates only were worse off.心理学空间+I0k$lpQ4fF8UC

mN(}3Q9w9M)T0These studies and observations formed the basis of later theories of attachment. John Bowlby, a British child psychiatrist, was the first to put forth a formal theory of attachment. Mary Ainsworth expanded and confirmed many of Bowlby’s ideas by observing infant-caregiver interactions in the field, and in a laboratory setting.

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Attachment patterns

9}5f} DDyM0Ainsworth developed the 'Strange Situation Paradigm', a laboratory method used to measure the quality of attachment between caregiver and child. This procedure involves several separations and reunions between an infant or young child from a caregiver or a friendly stranger. The way the infant behaves at reunion with the caregiver is the main indicator of the quality of attachment.

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e}!x&CPeI;u6F?0From this simple but very powerful naturalistic experiment, Ainsworth identified three general attachment patterns:心理学空间#vO#P1c{#W

  • A secure pattern involves a positive response on the part of the infant during reunion with the caregiver. The majority of infants fall into this category.
  • In contrast, an infant in an insecure-avoidant attachment relationship does not seem to be bothered by a caregiver's absence and will often snub the caregiver on reunion.
  • A resistant attachment pattern is characterized by infant distress upon separation and the infant's reluctance to explore their environment even in the presence of the parent. The infant with an insecure-resistant attachment pattern does not respond to the caregiver's attempts at soothing.
  • A fourth category was later added for infants who seem to have no strategy for coping with separation or reunion. These infants are considered to have a disorganized attachment relationship with their caregiver.

A caregiver who is consistently available, sensitive to their infant's signals and receptive and accepting of the infant's distress tend to have securely attached children. A caregiver of an insecurely attached child tends to be less responsive to the child’s signs of distress and need for comfort and protection. These caregivers are unavailable either physically, psychologically or emotionally or tend to be insensitive or unpredictable in their parenting style.

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When a caregiver does not respond appropriately to an infant's need for comfort, it is not necessarily the fault of the caregiver. There are instances when a caregiver, because of their own grief or needs, simply is not capable of being sensitive to their infant’s needs in a particular situation. Other caregivers simply are not able to read their infant's signals and thus respond inappropriately.


&i n3M,XS qVKu0These four major infant-caregiver attachment patterns have been shown to be independent of an infant's temperament. In other words, attachment patterns concern the relationship between the infant and caregiver rather than the personality of either.

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Steps toward healthy attachment


Research has shown what many caregivers seem to know intuitively — being consistently available, sensitive and receptive to an infant's signals helps promote healthy attachment. The following are general strategies for caregivers to consider when responding to their infant's signals of distress or need for comfort and protection:心理学空间n"pXnrs1aL

  • Pay attention. Learn to recognize your infant’s signs of distress.
  • Be responsive. Let your child know that you are aware of their distress and respond to it appropriately.
  • Be consistent. Consistent and predictable responding to your child’s need for comfort creates a sense of security in the child.
  • Be accepting. Accept rather than judge or discount your child’s emotional distress and discomfort.
  • Provide comfort. Soothe and comfort your child in response to distress.

Attachment patterns develop in the infant-caregiver relationship to meet the infant's very powerful and basic need for comfort and security. How caregivers respond to their infant's distress has lasting implications for their emotional and social development, future relationships, even future parenting styles. As parents and caregivers, it is essential to be aware of the important role we play in this complex dance, as we help our children develop a healthy sense of social and emotional well-being.心理学空间Hq @j?WpJ

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