内观中国开展内观疗法的情况The development of Naikan Therapy in China
作者: 王祖承 / 9209次阅读 时间: 2009年9月01日
来源: 第二届内观疗法学术大会论文集 标签: 心理咨询 Naikan 内观疗法
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内观中国开展内观疗法的情况The development of Naikan Therapy in China心理学空间R%P(jf&f"y
上海市精神卫生中心  王祖承
1BV7R$\7W:C-`3BaZ0Shanghai Mental Health Center(CHINA)  Wang Zucheng心理学空间^R$SmTt8\*g
!?"` we-e$R5I`s0   中国心理卫生协会心理咨询治疗委员会内观疗法学组主办心理学空间7O(b:`4[J b*uS9`
一、对"内观疗法"的认识心理学空间j2M KRV
The Understanding of Naikan Therpy
i\K-h S/v.l01、心理治疗有500种。
e M)X$eX!c+m02、日本创造的,源于中国的佛家理论、创造。心理学空间*`2~UPb!Jl
p a#IE+l"A04、行动实践。心理学空间I/k|P|9V

} SIb&v1B0二、人与人之间的交流是需要相互协调的
4Y)yg'J9H m3wq4K0Mutual harmony is necessary to心理学空间2\Xs8M\3T`/j
communications between peoples心理学空间 n L}~k.VB8`E
4w0E7tr qJ`/? ^`02、施恩、奉献、受恩、求助是人与人之间的正常联系。
;j[)U {W1^3}$M6G0三、引进"内观疗法"的设想
a9@$cU%k`!sR0The idea of introducing Naikan Therapy心理学空间3m Vl+g+u Q

0d^w$doFQD0日本千叶(CHIBA)县浅井病院(Asai Hospital)的启发心理学空间(S-aBmP
The enlightment come from the experiences of Asai hospital, Which is located in chiba Japan.心理学空间){8j/G*?]P:^+`
\X f'a m0In 1988 a review titled "Naikan Therapy " authored by Wang Zucheng was published on Referential Journal of Psychiatry. It was the first time that Naikan Therapy was introduced into China
/l+WNi)@ L oR2_0继之与真荣城先生联系。1992年,上海召开"华东地区精神医学大会",真荣城先生来作"内观疗法"演讲。
Tmin O'K.[E*x9?b9{0Later, Prof. Wang Zu Cheng got in touch with Mr Maci shiro. In 1992, Mr Maci shiro was invited to give a lecture on 'Naikan therapy' in 'psychiatry meeting of east China' held by Shanghai.
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1993年10月,王祖承、方贻儒2人访问日本奈良(Nara Naikan)研究所。榛木先生(Hariki)、真荣城先生(MaeiShiro)及吉本(YoshiMoto)夫人接见。心理学空间^x1]C drwr
In Oct. 1993, Prof. Wang Zu Cheng and Dr. Fang Yi Ru were invited to visit Nara Naikan Insititute of Japan, and met with Mr Hariki, Mr Maei shiro and Mrs YoshiMoto.
[0UA!}M5fy#z-g0In 1994, Naikan therapy was consistently approved to be developed in China in the small-sized symposium hold by Shanghai. Then, the questionnaire investigation in Huzhou Psychiatric Hospital of Zhejiang Province showed that the method was introduced into the hospital seems feasible enough.心理学空间k8Qu%mOX
#~#NZ$U }T]*z+bK1K0In 1993, 'Sino-Japan Association for Naikan therapy' was approved to be established by Shanghai municipal government, which led by 'Shanghai Sino-Japanese Medical Nursing Association for Friendship Exchange' of Shanghai municipal health bureau.心理学空间9Wne%m,@

)}k/G(H8m_ gBMD \01994年10月,在上海市真荣城、榛木、崛井三位在湖南省张家界参加"中华医学会行为医学大会",并作"内观疗法"报告。
;F)T8AR]W P1@0In Oct. 1994, Maci shiro, Hariki and Horii were invited to participate in 'Behavioral Medicine Meeting of Chinese Medical Association' and give lectures on 'Naikan therapy'.
8Y]!@S/_o)V*LZ4a,a0In Jun. 1995, Seminar on 'Naikan therapy' was held by Shanghai Mental Health Center (SMHC). Maci shiro, Hariki and Horii were invited to give lectures in 'Lectures on Morita therapy and Naikan therapy' held by SMHC in Nov. 1997.心理学空间1@:](_4nl9l1j-S
自1994年起,开展讨论"内观疗法能在中国开展吗?",得到认同后,开展治疗,取得较好的效果。并前后发表5篇论文心理学空间"i#} K~)u| E)r(Z
Since 1994,a discussion on "is aikan Therapy practicable in China" had been evolved. When Naikan Therapy was recognized,the treatment hrough this therapy achieved better efficacy. Five papers were published since then心理学空间:PQ,JhJ2g:\#C6e)q*~t
以后,1995、1996、1997、1998年在中国开展讲习班。地点有上海、张家界、天水市心理学空间5J U8f~"UlcD
Following these events,seminars were delivered in
7JM5_'VI V9k]O0China in 1994、1996、1997、1998、2002 and 2003.心理学空间9PWf8@3o Ky%yM)J
The cities covered include Shanghai,Zhangjiajie and Tianshui心理学空间E v.bT8N#r+Pa+P

In Dec. 2000, SMHC and Shanghai Medical Association held plenary session on 'Naikan therapy' during their annual meetings.
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s}1Q7n)XM0x ~C}0In May 2002, the '2nd Lectures on Morita therapy and Naikan therapy' held by SMHC, and 'Naikan therapy' was also held by SMHC in Sep. 2003. To date, five papers on 'Naikan therapy' have been published by SMHC. In addition, 'Naikan therapy' has been developed in Tianjin municipal and Tianshui municipal.
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;wJj5n:J | b0同时,天津李振涛教授在对劳动教养者开展内观疗法,取得非常好的效果心理学空间y0i'X A+d#si:PS?)ZI
At the same time, Professor Li zhengtao of Tianjin心理学空间 X#e$I Trt5`7k3BVS
applied Naikan Therapy to delinquents underwent labor
n1NX%GQE%cY\Ru0correction and achieved extraordinary effect
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甘肃天水市精神病院也开展内观疗法,取得非常好的成绩心理学空间wR yt[/m)F6V-~
Naikan Therapy was evolved in Psychiatric hospital of Tianshui City in Gansu Province and gained extraordinary achievement
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tW`B8w:Ns7]0Four individuals underwent Naikan experience in person (7 days)心理学空间]qZ3x8w t&G \3r
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)|]}Tq N0The development of Naikan therapy in china.
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"内观疗法"与中国文化相结合:心理学空间$zG0nM v8z.m@"B L
"内观使我们学会感恩"一文很生动地说明了实情。心理学空间Pyg Zo
Combine Naikan therapy wich chinese culture: The article,《Naikan let us know appreciation》,vividly explained the fact.
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Aa ~ S8Yg!Td0Apply Naikan therapy to psychotics
8Z8eW)i AII0心理学空间MclNRFO5g#@#fP
目前发表对酒中毒、抑郁症以及人格障碍患者开展内观治疗的论文:15篇以上。发表在《上海精神医学》、《中国健康心理学》等杂志上。《心理健康通讯》上也有介绍。心理学空间+lOu%U:~B j7_
The pullished dissertations about Naikan Therapy which is used in the patients of alcohol intoxication, depression and personality disondirs: more than fifteen. They have been published in 《Shanghai Achives of Psychiatry》in 《Mental Health Newsletter》心理学空间lM4rvW+I)JN1_
举办第二届国际内观疗法大会 (2005年)
(V4aB AL0Participation of Naikan Therapy Conference
^ B ppbk)h*g0( Conference of International Society of Naikan Theray, 2005)心理学空间UCa7|L W
心理学空间*[Ul m]
继之,又开展了以下方面的工作:心理学空间8_$TJ? \ A6[
L8x4uC,^3\u;O wz Z*Po02、黑龙江省哈尔滨市曲伟杰学校开展内观疗法。心理学空间fB*{8{7OtI
DQX _.V`[J\02004年,参加日本鸟取大学举办的日本内观疗法大会心理学空间F8@6v'{/`%E
]$c KCo02007年,在上海的泛亚太地区心理治疗大会上举办专题报告:内观疗法和森田疗法心理学空间fw}7X9y5DuI&AA8d
S9B}(Ob Pb0
S,^%S.}duxt:A]G02008年3月,上海市精神卫生中心举办中国(第一届)内观治疗师培训班,学员11名心理学空间yJ [&Xw.p
D-ul:nU02009年,出版《内观疗法》译作(真荣城 辉明作)心理学空间}?HH X#fd
五、今后设想心理学空间a ]/w;gmz mP1mm
Conceive the future
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1、发展中国心理卫生协会心理治疗与心理咨询委员会内观疗法学组心理学空间 U&ZTFF)qi{-\ f
China Association for Mental Health.special professions and commiltees of conseling and psychocherapy of (CAMH) Naikan therapy group
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wqpl7z `YY0The first Chinese Naikan Therapy convention is being prepared to be held in Tianshui Third People's hospital in Gansn province. (from the first ten days to the middle ten days of September, 2007)心理学空间oA'PK0gH Y
;O(v0m7Q#fB:}3vja0There will be a national conference and executive committee meeting every two years.心理学空间b#U4Z N'b,Y a
4、开展课题研究。 Carrying out research.心理学空间'~&k6N'N:a7[Bh_
Putting into the curriculums of national programs in Shanghai as psychiatrist's continuing education, psychiatric research training and psychological counseling training.心理学空间u#^kz pz2^{ ^
"A4m/a$v3MLU0Being put as clinical practice for inpatients.心理学空间u_WAp)V8R lb&B,W
7、继续开展理论探讨研究。心理学空间 \};J#f9HkH#r
Carrying out the study on theory.心理学空间U L*mTu
z$E;Ut Ax5y w#iz0Actively participating in the studies and exchanges for Naikan Therapy心理学空间kgw `3_y Hv
Continne to discuss the theory
){p'n P&p(JX!p3khi0]010、深入开展设立培训点:上海市、天津市、甘肃天水市。
z Xe\'kd0Go deep into the establishment of tiaining center: Shanghai, Tianjin, Tiansgui in Gansu province心理学空间|#aW u?/d
Yu2|z:x)}X6N0The Procedure for Naikan Therapy into China
v6X"Ffoz-[01、资料介绍(Introduction of the background and related materials )
p R.eh$v*z4S2V1dx02、可行性讨论(Discussion of the feasibility)心理学空间%o Q~$MJ~9}
3、病例报告(Case report)
P,o @O5[7Hi04、合作研究(Cooperative research)心理学空间8y1\Klhrk
5、学习班(Regular national workshops )心理学空间H0M7N[ [
6、讲习班,定期全国性的(Regular national seminars )
;P`O-z8OCF ?2H%n!Zw:k#^07、学术大会(Academic meeting)心理学空间Q2n?&BEz1X
8、独立的大会(Independent conference)心理学空间&Rs W)O4H6uM2I'w4U
9、中国心理卫生协会认可心理学空间 M_6IG%{\5k{+H
(Being accepted by Chinese Mental Health Association)
#d^V ou \YS$~B`_010、定期全国进修班专题介绍心理学空间 g(_)P1}PwhT/T
(Introducing in the national program for psychiatrist's continuing education)
5le7sTz H#dx)[011、开设专门治疗(Carrying out the practice for outpatients)
"\;E K n"K'U;p012、正式收费(Charging fee for clinical practice)心理学空间 Q7^Kj3z(Q6Mq y1Q

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TAG: 心理咨询 Naikan 内观疗法
«亚洲精神卫生工作的现状 王祖承
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王祖承,男,1941年3月出生,上海市精神卫生中心主任医师,上海第二医科大学教授,博士生导师。 1964年毕业于上海第二医科大学,在上海市精神卫生中心和上海第二医科大学精神医学教研室工作,历任住院医师、主治医师、副主任医师、副教授和主任医师、教授,1985年至1986年赴日本浅井病院进修临床精神医学,1998年至2001年任上海市精神卫生中心院长。目前兼任中国残联精神康复学会主任委员、卫生部资格考试精神科专业委员会副主任委员、卫生部麻醉品专家委员会委员、中国心理卫生协会副理事长、中国森田疗法基金委员会副理事长、中国心理卫生协会心理咨询与治疗专委会内观疗法学组主任委员、中华医学会医学学会理事、上海市行为医学会名誉主任委员、上海市心理卫生学会理事长。学术主攻方向:临床精神医学、精神科治疗学。