作者: 心理空间 / 7628次阅读 时间: 2022年2月05日

P8a{1j*G;Z9jJ x N` D0参考文献 63


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[11] Erich Fromm online. https://fromm-online.org/

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[13] Fromm, E. (1936). Studien über autorität und familie: Sozialpsychologischer teil. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt.


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[15] Fromm, E. (1955). The sane society. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 心理学空间'jR4U5O:F"tu]9bI

&e{#E(wX o0[16] Fromm, E. (1973). The anatomy of human destructiveness. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

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[17] Fromm, E. (1976). To have or to be. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. 心理学空间%x+wMi!M1ZH:f

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[18] Fromm, E. (1980). Greatness and limitations of Freud’s thought. New York: HarperCollins.


]#q ?;{4f#{7E]j7y0[19] Fromm, E. (1986). Beyond the chains of illusion: My encounter with Marx and Freud. New York: Pocket Books. (Original work published 1963)

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!Mt n i4_:m!s0[ 弗洛姆, E. (1986). 在幻想锁链的彼岸: 我所理解的马克思和弗洛伊德 (张燕译). 长沙: 湖南人民出版社.] 心理学空间7i/gUS B9jS1N)bn{

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[20] Fromm, E. (1987). Escape from freedom. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. (Original work published 1941)

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[21] Fromm, E. (1988). Man for himself: An inquiry into the psychology of ethics. New York: Fawcett Premier Books. (Original work published 1947)

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T@_-mm;}cxx}0[ 弗洛姆, E. (1988). 为自己的人 (孙依依译). 北京: 三联书店.]

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[22] Fromm, E. (1988). Psychoanalysis and religion. New York: Vail. (Original work published 1950) 心理学空间 nKW'In*N,@IOyX

kE!G}-Wqnf0[ 弗洛姆, E. (1988). 精神分析与宗教 (郑维川译). 昆明: 云南人民出版社.] 心理学空间'T$okn,e7kj

J}:un#d Y0[23] Fromm, E. (1988). The heart of man: Its genius for good and evil. New York: Harper & Row. (Original work published 1964)

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[ 弗洛姆, E. (1988). 人之心 (都本伟, 赵桂琴译). 沈阳: 辽宁大学出版社.]


[24] Fromm, E. (1988). The sane society. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. (Original work published 1955) 心理学空间$fkG)A"Qm)^ LBVB


[ 弗洛姆, E. (1988). 健全的社会 (欧阳谦译). 北京: 中国文联出版公司.] 心理学空间 H;T_,C nR1|'j

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[25] Fromm, E. (1988). To have or to be. London: Abacus. (Original work published 1976) 心理学空间!CzN`Gf?O j

Kci X.Y i0[ 弗洛姆, E. (1988). 占有还是生存 (关山译). 北京: 三联书店.]

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Y![Q#KY ~ F7D0[0[26] Fromm, E., & Schultz, H. J. (1987). For the love of life. Washington: Free Press. (Original work published 1986)

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2[!P(TV;|!H u:r0[ 弗洛姆, E. (1987). 说爱: 一位精神分析学家的人生视角 (王建朗, 胡晓春译). 合肥: 安徽人民出版社.] 心理学空间nFB,u#eg

8o)_ x.WM0[27] Gay, P. (2019). The Enlightenment: An interpretation (Vol. 1). New York: WW Norton & Company. (Original work published 1995)

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[28] Golec de Zavala, A., Cichocka, A., & Bilewicz, M. (2020). The paradox of in-group love: Differentiating collective narcissism advances understanding of the relationship between in-group and out-group attitudes. Journal of Personality, 81(1), 16-28.  心理学空间kk{Rz


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vYP)T$Ft.{0[29] Golec de Zavala, A., Cichocka, A., & Iskra-Golec, I. (2013). Collective narcissism moderates the effect of in-group image threat on intergroup hostility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(6), 1019-1039.  心理学空间T1U1f1@H6R(w

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[30] Golec de Zavala, A., & Federico, C. M. (2018). Collective narcissism and the growth of conspiracy thinking over the course of the 2016 United States presidential election: A longitudinal analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(7), 1011-1018.  心理学空间3f?E*z Z(F;}1iw

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[32] Guo, Y. Y. (1993). The historical background and thought origin of Erich Fromm's psychological theory. Educational Research and Experiment, (1), 48-51+36.

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[ 郭永玉. (1993). 论弗洛姆心理学说的时代背景和思想渊源. 教育研究与实验, (1), 48-51+36.]

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[ 康德, I. (1991). 什么是启蒙? (盛志德译). 世界哲学, (4), 3-6.]


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«人心及其善恶本性 弗洛姆 | Erich Fromm
《弗洛姆 | Erich Fromm》