作者: mints 编译 / 7465次阅读 时间: 2020年4月24日
标签: 绝望 整合
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Only in him who in some way has taken care of things and peopleand has adapted himself to the triumphs and disappointmentsadherent to being, the originator of others or the generator ofproducts and ideas - only in him may grad,lally ripen the fruit" of these seven stages. I know no better word for it than egointegrity. Lacking a clear definition, I shall point to a fewconstituents of this state of mind. It is the ego's accrued assuranceof its proclivity for order and meaning. It is a postnarcissisticlove uf the human ego - not of the self - as anexperience which conveys some world order and spiritual sense,. no matter how dearly paid for. It is the acceptance of one's oneand only life cycle as something that had to be and that, bynecessity, permitted of no substitutions: it thus means a new, adifferent love of one's parents. It is a comradeship with theordering ways of distant times and different pursuits, as expressedin the simple products and sayings of such times andpursuits. Although aware of the relativity of all the various lifestyles which have given meaning to human striving, the possessorofintegrity is ready to defend the dignity of his own style againstall physical and economic threats. For he knows that an individuallife is the accidental coincidence of but one life cycle withbut one segment of history; and that for him all human integritystands or falls with the one style of integrity of which he partakes. The style of integrity developed by his culture or civilizationthus becomes the 'patrimony of his soul', the seal of hismoral paternity of himself (' ... pero el honor Es patrimonto delalma': Calderon). In such final consolidation, death loses itssting.心理学空间y8\"| en3lL

/M$\,` [ba4S-B0只有那些以某种方式关怀人和事物、适应了伴随人类存在的成功和失望的人才可能获得以上七个阶段的成果。在我看来,整合就是对这个阶段的最好说明。我必须指出这种思想状态的组成部分。整合是自我对秩序和意义的保证。整合是对自我——而不是自体——的后自恋式热爱,是一种无论要付出多么高昂的代价,也要传达出某些世界秩序和精神意识的体验。整合是接纳自己唯一的生命周期,并将其作为不得不存在且不允许有任何替代的事物。它也意味着对父母产生与之前不同的爱。整合同遥远的时期和不同的目标存在友好的关系,正如这些时期与目标的产物所表明的那样。虽然意识到所有为人类奋斗赋予不同意义的生活方式都有其相对性,但整合之人却为捍卫自己生活方式的尊严而对抗所有物质和经济上的威胁做好了准备。他明白,每个人的日常生活都是特定生命阶段与特定历史时期的相遇引发的种种巧合。他知道自己参与的整合是人类整合的一部分。这种在他所处的文化或文明中得到发展的整合,最终变为其“灵魂遗产”(然荣耀、遗产尽归其灵魂。——卡尔德隆)。在这种整合中,死亡亦不再制造痛苦。

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v/s a G8h0The lack or loss of this accrued ego integration is signifiedby fear of death: the one and only life cycle is not accepted asthe ultimate of life. Despair expresses the feeling that the timeis now short, too short for the attempt to start another life andto try out alternate roads to integrity. Disgust hides despair, ifoften only in the form of 'a thousand little disgusts' which donot add up to one big remorse: ' ... mille petits degouts de soi,dont Ie total ne fait pas un remords, mais un gene obscur': Rostand.心理学空间~XP;Hg+qA

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Each individual, to become a mature adult, must to a sufficientdegree develop all the ego qualities mentioned, so that a wiseIndian, a true gentleman, and a mature peasant share andrecognize in one another the final stage of integrity. But eachcultural entity, to develop the particular style of integritysuggested by its historical place, utilizes a particular combinationof these conflicts, along with specific provocations andprohibitions of infantile sexuality. Infantile conflicts becomecreative only if sustained by the firm support of cultural institutionsand of the special leader-classes representing them. Inorder to approach or experience integrity, the individual mustknow how to be a follower of image bearers in religion and inpolitics, in the economic order and in technology, in aristocraticliving and in the arts and sciences. Ego integrity, therefore,implies an emotional integration which permits participation byfollowership as well as acceptance of the responsibility of leadership.心理学空间9T0^Q[q



Webster's Dictionary is kind enough to help us complete thisoutline in a circular fashion. Trust (the first of our ego values)is here defined as 'the assured reliance on another's integrity',the last of our values. I suspect that Webster had business inmind rather than babies, credit rather than faith. But theformulation stands. And it seems possible to further paraphrasethe relation of adult integrity and infantile trust by saying thathealthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrityenough not to fear death.

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9b*dZ Q2_/V0SN+Q0《韦氏词典》非常贴心地帮助我们完成了人类生命周期的循环。信任(自我的第一种产物)在该词典中被定义为对他人的整合——自我最后的产物——的依赖。我猜韦伯斯特关心的是精神而不是儿童,信誉而不是信念。我们似乎能够将成人的整合与婴儿的信任之间的关系改述为:健康的儿童不会害怕生活,只要他们的长辈整合得足够好,以致不惧怕死亡。

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