作者: mints 译 / 4980次阅读 时间: 2018年7月30日
来源: Magdalen 标签: 共生 能动 授权

#Dk"U6dDZp ] c0Agency, communion and entitlement 能动、共生和赋权

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this study examined the relationship between agency, communion, and the active, passive, and revenge forms of entitlement. Results indicate that active entitlement was positively related to agency, negatively to communion (Study 1), and unrelated to unmitigated agency and communion (Study 2). Passive entitlement was positively related to communion (in regular and unmitigated forms) and negatively related to agency (in both forms). Revenge entitlement was positively related to agency (unmitigated and regular), and negatively related to both regular and unmitigated communal orientations. Detected relationships were independent from self-esteem (Study 1). The findings are discussed in relation to distinctions between narcissistic and healthy entitlement, and within the context of the three-dimensional model of entitlement.

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The present research has some significant limitations. First, it is a correlational study, and despite the logical assumption that these basic orientations affect human attitudes and behaviors, causal interpretations should be made with caution. A second limitation is related to the characteristics of the sample. The participants were young people who had yet to begin their professional careers. Because entitlement is related to age and education (see Ż emojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2014), generalisation of results to the other age groups is problematic. Finally, entitlement was measured using a questionnaire method. While this allows for examining individual differences in beliefs and attitudes, the question of actual behavior remains to be explored.心理学空间 Nt1OMM1} c7Z

7iV G+XJAn _0目前的研究存在一些重大局限。首先,这是一项相关性研究,尽管逻辑上假设了这些基本取向会影响人们的态度和行为,但应谨慎地进行因果解释。第二个限制与样品的特征有关。参与者是尚未开始职业生涯的年轻人。由于赋权与年龄和教育有关(参见 Żemojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2014),因此将结果推广到其他年龄组是有问题的。最后,赋权是通过问卷调查方法测量的。虽然这允许检查个人在信仰和态度上的差异,但实际行为的问题仍有待探索。

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F_i bO D2k ],x0Despite these limitations, the results suggest further possibilities for examining the nature of entitlement, especially where it is defined as a multidimensional phenomenon. Using an agentic-communal model of narcissism (Gebauer et al., 2012), it is possible to examine an agency-communion model of entitlement. Former research has focused on agentic forms of entitlement, since they also focused on agentic forms of narcissism. Passive entitlement is a good candidate to be identified as a communal facet of communal narcissism, as it is related to communion, not to agency.

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&ZW:b(iD0Our study aimed to answer two basic questions: to what extent entitlement is adaptive or dysfunctional and to what extent it is related to avoiding activity. Studying the relationship between entitlement and agency/communion in regular and unmitigated forms allowed us to highlight both problems. Different dimensions of entitlement manifested distinct motivations. Some aspects of entitlement are proactive and adaptive (active entitlement), some are related to avoiding own activity, but did not mean excessive exploitation of others (passive entitlement) and some are dysfunctional and associated to activity (revenge entitlement). In further research, it is worth to examine them all in order to eventually cover the broad spectrum of phenomenon called “entitlement” and examine them from different approaches and scientific perspectives.心理学空间,o4[)u8fRzqC_ TD

*U4d$b3t4DYf0我们的研究旨在回答两个基本问题:赋权在多大程度上是适应性的或功能失调,以及在多大程度上与活动避免的有关。 研究惯常和彻底的形式中的赋权与能动/共生之关系,允许我们强调这两个问题。 赋权的不同维度表现出不同的动机。赋权的某些方面是主动和适应性的(主动赋权),有些与避免自己的活动有关,但并不意味着过度剥削他人(被动赋权),有些是功能失调的并且与(复仇赋权的)活动有关。 在今后的研究中,值得对它们进行全面研究,以便最终涵盖所谓的“赋权”的广泛现象,并且从不同的方法和科学的角度对其进行检验。心理学空间fHFEQh

ŻemojtelPiotrowska MA, Piotrowski, J. P., & Clinton, A. (2016). Agency, communion and entitlement.  International Journal of Psychology Journal International De Psychologie,51(3), 196.心理学空间4gfu$H!yS
DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12140
TAG: 共生 能动 授权
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