《悲剧的本质:索福克勒斯的安提戈涅之评论》二 戏剧的表达
作者: LACAN / 14179次阅读 时间: 2017年12月21日
来源: 雄伯 译

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r;|rZI\H2N!d0 Creon arrives and makes a long speech justifying his actions. But in realitythere is only a docile Chorus there to hear him, a collection of yes-men. Therefollows a dialogue between Creon and the Chorus. The Chorus itself hasn'taltogether given up the idea that there is something excessive in Creon's statements,but at the very moment when it is about to express the thought, thatis when the messenger arrives and narrates what has happened, it gets toldoff in no uncertain terms.

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@'P E*J8^Rj2P$p*IL0The character of the messenger in this tragedy is a formidable one. Heturns up shuffling and mumbling, and he says, "You can't imagine how muchI have been thinking things over on my way here, and how many times Icame close to taking off in a hurry. That's how a short trip turns into a longone." He's an impressive talker. He even goes so far as to say, "I am sorry tosee that you are of the opinion that it is your opinion that you believe in lies." 心理学空间;A!K;y j)eXYA I

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In short, I am suspected of being suspicious. That style of δοκεϊ Ψευδή δοκέϊνresonates with the discourse of the Sophists, since Creon answers him rightaway, "You are in the process of making points on the subject of the δόξα."

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总之,我被怀疑是疑心病。那种δοκεϊ Ψευδή δοκέϊν的风格迴响着辩士的辞说。因为克瑞恩立刻回答他:「你正在表达这些观点,探讨δόξα.的主题。」

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In brief, throughout a whole ridiculous scene the messenger engages in idlespeculations about what has happened, and in particular speculations abouttheir safety, in the course of which the guards are in a state of panic, in whichthey nearly come to blows before they draw lots in order to decide which oneof them will be chosen to go as messenger. After having got it all out, he isthe object of a stream of threats from Creon, who is the person in power andwho on this occasion is excessively limited; Creon lets him know that theycan all expect the worst if the guilty person is not found in a hurry. "I'vecome out of this in quite good shape," the messenger comments, "since Ihaven't been strung up right away to the end of a branch. They won't see meagain in a hurry."心理学空间eu.brHB

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lBJClc&H*c$c5Q0This scene is a bit like the entrance of the clowns. But the messenger isquite subtle; he is very clever when he says to Creon, "What is offended justnow? Is it your heart or your ears?" He makes Creon turn around in circles;Creon is forced to face the situation in spite of himself. The messenger thenexplains, "If it is your heart, then it is the one who did the deed that offendsit; I only offend your ears." We have already reached the height of crueltybut we're having fun.

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cF/R~w0And what happens immediately afterwards? A hymn of praise to mankind.The Chorus sets out to praise mankind. I am constrained by the time, so Ican't go on, but I will take up this praise of mankind next time.



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Then right after the extraordinary tall tale that is this hymn of praise toman, we see Antigone's guard turn up without any concern for verisimilitude,temporal verisimilitude at least. The guard is delighted. He's had a rarepiece of luck; his responsibility in the case has been absolved once he has laidhands on the guilty party. Then the Chorus sings its song on mankind'srelation to Até. I'll come back to that, too, another time.

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ECw-B`z[s/y y0就在这个特别的荒诞的故事之后,那就是对于人类的赞美圣歌。我们看见安提贡尼的卫兵出现,丝毫并不关心起伏变化,至少没有关心时间的起伏变化。卫兵很高兴。他难得有这么一次好运气。他对于这个案件的责任已经被免除,一旦他执行对于罪犯的惩处。然后,合唱队歌颂人类跟悲惨命运的关系。下一次,我将回头谈论它。

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r!S6HsjR w0Next comes Hemon, who is Creon's son and Antigone's fiance. He beginsa dialogue with his father. The only confrontation between the father and soncauses the dimension to appear that I began to discuss concerning the relationsof man to his good; there is a moment of doubt, a hesitation. This pointis extremely important if we want to be clear about Creon's stature. We willsee later what he is, that is, like all executioners and tyrants at bottom, ahuman character. Only the martyrs know neither pity nor fear. Believe me,the day when the martyrs are victorious will be the day of universal conflagration.The play is calculated to demonstrate that fact.心理学空间 h!]a:d3Nmp

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Creon doesn't lose his nerve, far from it; his son leaves to the sound of themost terrible threats. And what bursts forth again at that very moment? TheChorus once more, and what does it have to say? "Ερως άνικάτε μάχαν, "Invincible love of combat." I suppose that even those who do not know Greek have heard at one time or other those three words that have come down through the centuries with a number of melodies in their wake.心理学空间v#UV7`*k8k

lsrlF"Q1o@xx0克瑞恩并没有丧失他的勇气。根本没有丧失。他的儿子离开,带着最可怕的威胁的声音。在那个时刻,什么东西再次突然出现?再一次是合唱队,合唱队必须说些什么?"Ερως άνικάτε μάχαν, "「不屈不桡的博斗之爱」。我认为,即使那些不懂希腊文的人们,都曾经在某个时刻听过那三个字词,它们已经流传了好几个世纪,随后还有许多的音乐歌咏。

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That song bursts forth at the very moment when Creon decrees the punishmentAntigone will be made to undergo: she will be placed alive in a tomb- something that doesn't suggest too tender an imagination. Let me remindyou that in Sade it is number seven or eight on the list of ordeals to whichthe hero is submitted - the reference is a useful one for you to realize thesignificance of what is involved here. It is precisely at this moment that theChorus says in so many words: "This story is driving us mad; we are losingour grip; we are going out of our minds; as far as this child is concerned weare moved to . . . ," what the text, using a term whose appositeness I askyou to remember, calls ϊμβρος εναργή•;.心理学空间5[;VEM/i0`3@$S

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那首歌就在那个时刻突然出现,当克瑞恩命令:安提贡尼将被迫经历的惩罚。她将会被活生生地关进坟墓里面。这种事情,想像起来就很狰狞。让我提醒你们,在萨德的书,这位英雄被迫承受的考验名单的第七或第八项。为了让你们体会到在此所牵涉的东西的重要性,提一下是很有用的。确实就是在这个时刻,合唱队详细叙述:「这个故事正让我们发狂,我们正丧失我们的掌握;我们将丧失我们的理智;就这个小孩而言,我们被感动、、、」这个文本所谓的ϊμβρος εναργή•,使用一个术语,这个术语的适当性,我要求你们记住。

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"Ιμίρος is the same term that in the Phaedrus points to what I am tryingto grasp here as the reflection of desire of the kind by which even the godsare bound. It is the term used by Jupiter to designate his relations with Ganymede."Ιμβρος εναργής is literally desire made visible. This is what appearsat the moment when the long scene that leads up to the punishment takes place.

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)k8L|)ATcx0G:Y v0"Ιμίρος” 是相同的术语,在「费德拉斯」,它指向我正在此尝试理解的东西,作为是那种欲望的省思。即使是众神都受到那种欲望约束。这就是邱比特使用的术语,用来指明他跟甘梅笛的关系。"Ιμβρος εναργής” 则是实质上显露可见的欲望。这是出现在那个时刻的东西,当冗长的场景促成惩罚的执行。心理学空间\CP@)p]U0I

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After Antigone's speech, in which is to be found the passage discussed byGoethe that I talked about the other day, the Chorus starts up again with amythological song in which at three different moments it evokes three especiallydramatic destinies that are all on the boundary between life and death,the boundary of the still living corpse. Antigone herself even refers to theimage of Niobe, who is imprisoned in the narrow cavity of a rock and will beexposed forever to the assault of rain and weather. It is around this image ofthe limit that the whole play turns.



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"RTd3X%^*xzlS5o4J0At the moment when it is moving more and more toward a kind of explosiveclimax of divine delirium, the blind Tiresias appears. He doesn't simplyannounce the future, however, because the revelation of his prophecy has arole to play in the preparation of that future. In his dialogue with Creon hewithholds what he has to say until the latter - in whose rigid mind everythingis political or, in other words, a question of interest - is foolish enough to saya sufficient number of insulting things for Tiresias to come out with hisprophecy. The value attributed to the words of a seer is, as in all circumstanceswhere tradition counts, decisive enough for Creon to give in and resignhimself to countermanding his own orders, which, of course, proves catastrophic.心理学空间RY{7?%a[


在这个时刻,当它越来越朝向某种神性的狂喜的爆炸性高潮。盲眼的泰瑞西亚斯出现。可是,他不仅宣佈未来,因为他的预言的启示扮演一个角色,替那个未来做准备。在他跟克瑞恩的对话,他保留他必须说的话,留到后来。在克瑞恩的严酷的心里,每样东西都是政治。或换句话说,利益的问题。为了让泰瑞西亚斯讲出他的预言,而说出许多的侮辱的言辞,并非是明智之举。归属于预言家的文词的价值,如同在传统举足轻重的所有的环境里。这个价值足够重要,让克瑞恩屈服,并且顺从于正式撤销他自己的命令。当然,那些命令证明是灾难性。心理学空间:tW D B#@&t3m

\S)y7?"kD&I,US0The situation is heightened even further. In its penultimate appearance theChorus breaks out in a hymn to the most hidden and supreme god, Dionysos.The spectators imagine that this is once again a hymn of liberation, thateveryone is comforted, everything will work out all right. Those, on the other hand, who knew what Dionysos and his savage followers represent realizethat the hymn breaks out because the limits of the field of the conflagrationhave been breached

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After that there is hardly room for the final twist of the action, the one inwhich the deluded Creon goes and knocks in desperation at the doors of thetomb within which Antigone has hanged herself. Hemon kisses her and emitsa few final groans, but we do not know what happened in the sepulcre anymore than we know what goes on when Hamlet goes down into the sepulcre.Antigone was after all walled in at the limit of Ate, and one is justified inwondering at which moment Hemon entered the tomb. As when the actors turns their faces away from the spot where Oedipus disappears, we don't knowwhat happened in Antigone's tomb.

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在此之后,行动的最后的转变几乎没有空间。在个行动里面,虚情假意的克瑞恩前去绝望地敲打坟墓的门。安提贡尼已经在里面上吊而死。赫门吻着她,发出几句最后的哀嚎。但是我们并不知道在坟墓里发生什么事。正如我们并不知道正在进行什么事,当哈姆雷特走进坟墓。安提贡尼毕竟被囚禁于悲惨命运Ate 的限制里面。我们很有理由想要知道,在什么时刻赫门进入坟墓。如同在伊狄浦斯消失的地点,演员们转过头,我们并不知道在安提贡尼的坟墓里,发生什么事情。心理学空间5gB?$a~ A\A$fN,za

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In any case, when Hemon emerges, he is possessed by divine μανία. Heshows all the signs of someone who has lost his reason. He attacks his father,misses him, and kills himself. And when Creon returns to the palace wherea messenger has already preceded him, he discovers his wife is dead.

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7J#dYn4a[$k0At that point the text shows us, in terms that are calculated to remind uswhere the limit is situated, a Creon who is out of his mind demanding thathe be carried off - "Drag me out by my feet." And the Coryphaeus managesto find the strength to engage in a play of words in saying, "You're right tosay that: the pain that one feels in one's feet is the best kind of pain; unlikeother kinds, it doesn't last long."心理学空间!S-UAU&[bl\MQ



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Sophocles is no pedantic schoolmaster, but unfortunately he has beentranslated by pedants. In any case, that's how the corrida ends. Have thearena raked over, the bull removed, and cut off his you-know-what, if thereis any left. That's the style in which he has been rendered. May he go off tothe bright sound of little bells.心理学空间W/N(Q#R.Q2cx*lBt4z7R

#YQY FmY q1I0索福克利斯并不是爱卖弄学问的学校老师。但是不幸地,翻译他的人都是一些书呆子。无论如何,这场情爱斗牛戏就这样结束了。让斗牛场重新整理,公牛被移走,被切除他的什么,假如还有任何东西剩下的话。那就是他曾经被摆弄的这种风格。但愿他带着牛铃的铃铛响声离去。


$op!}:bB5W3f0It is more or less in these terms that the play of Antigone has been translated.Next time I will take a little time to point out a few essential pointsthat will enable you to link my interpretation directly to the very terms usedby Sophocles.




I hope that that will take no more than half of my time, and that I will beable to speak afterwards about what Kant has to say on the subject of thebeautiful.


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我希望那仅会花费我一半的时间。以后,我将能够谈论有关康德所必需说的话,有关美的主题。心理学空间{\!@ H d3NTlU

&}IhgN6}icN pR01960年 6月1日       

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