《悲剧的本质:索福克勒斯的安提戈涅之评论》一 安提贡尼的辉煌
作者: Jacques Lacan / 13805次阅读 时间: 2017年12月19日
来源: 雄伯译


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pS8J:^:S3[AD0What does one find in Antigone? First of all, one finds Antigone.心理学空间wp+p3Vo


l8[#z&C-p'RM0Have you noticed that she is only ever referred to throughout the play withthe Greek word ή παις, which means “the child”? I say that as a way ofcoming to the point and of enabling you to focus your eye on the style of thething. And, of course, there is the action of the play.心理学空间m)w.@:KQ7VV

$a0n4ci n,seD0你们曾经注意到,她是戏剧从头到尾唯一被提到,用这些希腊字ή παις。它的意思是「小孩」?我的意思是,作为一种谈到重点,并且让你们能够专注你们的眼光,看到这件事情的风格。当然,这戏剧有动作。

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%jK~SPK5q0The question of the action in tragedy is very important. I don’t know whysomeone whom I’m not very fond of, probably because he is always beingshoved under my nose, someone called La Bruyere, said that we have arrivedtoo late in a world that is too old in which everything has already been said.It’s not something I’ve noticed. As far as the action of tragedy is concerned,there’s still a lot to be said. It’s far from being resolved.


U1a+? O1LR9f'R*v0在悲剧的动作的问题是非常重要的。我不知道为什么我并不很喜欢的某个人,可能是因为他总是被推挤到我面前,某位名叫布鲁维尔的人。他说,我们到达得太迟,在这个太古老的这个世界,每样东西都已经被说过了。这并不是我曾经注意的事情。就悲剧的行动而言,依旧还有许多话可说。问题根本还没有被解决。心理学空间zF+C|9y

&v/p,M-xx2G:W R0To return to Erwin Rohde, whom I complimented just now, I was astonishedto find that in another chapter he explains a curious conflict betweenthe tragic author and his subject, a conflict that is caused by the following:the laws of the genre oblige the author to choose as frame a noble action inpreference to a mythic action. I suppose that is so that everyone already knowswhat it’s all about, what’s going on. The action has to be emphasized inrelation to the ethos, the personalities, the characters, the problems, and soforth, of the time. If that’s true, then Mr. Anouilh was right to give us hislittle fascist Antigone. The conflict that results from the dialogue between thepoet and his subject is, according to Erwin Rohde, capable of generatingconflicts between action and thought, and in this connection, echoing a greatmany things that have already been said before, he refers with some relevanceto the figure of Hamlet.心理学空间 s#uH!gw)R\/Zd




It’s entertaining, but it must be difficult for you to accept, if what I explainedlast year about Hamlet meant anything to you. Hamlet is by no means a dramaof the importance of thought in the face of action. Why on the threshold ofthe modern period would Hamlet bear witness to the special weakness offuture man as far as action is concerned? I am not so gloomy, and nothingapart from a clichi of decadent thought requires that we should be, althoughit is a cliché Freud himself falls into when he compares the different attitudesof Hamlet and Oedipus toward desire.

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;s%JC0a| f$M$c0它具有娱乐性质,但是你们一定很难接受。假如我去年所解释的关于哈姆雷特,对于你们有任何意义的话。「哈姆雷特」绝非是一个面对行动时思想的重要的戏剧。为什么在现代时期的门槛,哈姆雷特见证特别的未来人类的弱点,就行动而言。我并没有那么悲观。除了颓废思想的陈腔滥调外,没有一样东西要求,我们应该悲观。虽然这是弗洛依德自己掉入的陈腔滥调,当他比较哈姆雷特与伊狄浦斯对待欲望的态度。心理学空间4s1Hf `)Q~{d

K8r}P&M;J)b(`b0I don’t believe that the drama of Hamlet is to be found in such a divergencebetween action and thought nor in the problem of the extinction of his desire.I tried to show that Hamlet’s strange apathy belongs to the sphere of actionitself, that it is in the myth chosen by Shakespeare that we should look forits motives; we will find its origin in a relationship to the mother’s desire andto the father’s knowledge of his own death. And to take a step further, I willmention here the moment at which our analysis of Hamlet is confirmed bythe analysis I am leading up to on the subject of the second death.

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K$AH4|5V(`s{ j$W0我并不相信,哈姆雷特的戏剧能够被发现,在行动与思想的分叉处,或是在他的欲望的消灭的问题。我尝试显示:哈姆雷特的奇怪的冷漠属于行动的范围本身。那就是在莎士比亚选择的神话,我们应该寻找它的动机。我们将会发现它的起源,在跟母亲的欲望的关系,以及跟父亲的知道他自己的死亡的关系。再深入一步说,我在此将提醒这个时刻,我们对于哈姆雷特的分析受到我正在引导的精神分析的证实,探讨二次死亡的主题。心理学空间.Z6s'MK'SFkN

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Don’t forget one of the effects in which the topology I refer to may berecognized. If Hamlet stops when he is on the point of killing Claudius, it isbecause he is worried about that precise point I am trying to define here:simply to kill him is not enough, he wants him to suffer hell’s eternal torture.Under the pretext that we have already busied ourselves a great deal with thishell, should we see it as beneath our dignity to make a little use of it in theanalysis of a text? Even if he doesn’t believe in hell anymore than we do, evenif he’s not at all sure about it, since he does after all question the notion –“To sleep, perchance to dream …” – it is nevertheless true that Hamletstops in the middle of his act because he wants Claudius to go to hell.心理学空间0c0c'_.H/Lgc

&^!r}V%kC0不要忘记其中一个影响可能被体认到,在我提到的这个拓扑图形。假如哈姆雷特停止,当他正要杀死克劳狄斯。那是因为他忧虑我在此正在尝试定义的那个确实的时刻。仅是杀死他是不足够,他想要他遭受地狱的永恒折磨。在这个藉口之下,我们自己已经相当忙碌于这个地狱。我们应该将它视为是贬低我们的尊严,为了在文本的分析里稍微利用它?即使他跟我们一样,并不相信地狱。即使他根本就不确定,关于它。因为他毕竟质疑这个观念:「睡觉,或许会作梦、、、」。这仍然是真实的,哈姆雷特在他的行动的中间停止,因为他想要克劳狄斯下地狱。心理学空间6k(Tx3}"~Ao Q

4M_X,Jl'L3Z0The reason why we are always missing the opportunity of pointing to thelimits and the crossing-points of the paths we follow is because we are unwillingto come to grips with the texts, preferring to remain within the realm ofwhat is considered acceptable or, in other words, the realm of prejudices. IfI were not to have taught you anything more than an implacable method forthe analysis of signifiers, then it would not have been in vain – at least I hopeso. I even hope that that is all you will retain. If it is true that what I teachrepresents a body of thought, I will not leave behind me any of those handleswhich will enable you to append a suffix in the form of an “-ism.” In otherwords, none of the terms that I have made use of here one after the other –none of which, I am glad to see from your confusion, has yet managed toimpress itself on you as the essential term, whether it be the symbolic, thesignifier or desire – none of the terms will in the end enable anyone of you toturn into an intellectual cricket on my account.心理学空间&J9lR |Q3E


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Next then in a tragedy, there is a Chorus. And what is a Chorus? You willbe told that it’s you yourselves. Or perhaps that it isn’t you. But that’s notthe point. Means are involved here, emotional means. In my view, the Chorusis people who are moved.心理学空间"Tu7I#Y?|

,dh |_)?'d$D-V w0然后在悲剧里,有一个合唱队。合唱队是什么?你们将会被告诉:合唱队就是你们自己。或许,并不是你。但那并不是重点。在此牵涉到工具,情感的工具。依我之见,合唱队是受到感动的人们。心理学空间r4[V8_%yU:O CFP~

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Therefore, look closely before telling yourself that emotions are engagedin this purification. They are engaged, along with others, when at the endthey have to be pacified by some artifice or other. But that doesn’t mean tosay that they are directly engaged. On the one hand, they no doubt are, andyou are there in the form of a material to be made use of; on the other hand,that material is also completely indifferent. When you go to the theater in theevening, you are preoccupied by the affairs of the day, by the pen that youlost, by the check that you will have to sign the next day. You shouldn’t giveyourselves too much credit. Your emotions are taken charge of by the healthyorder displayed on the stage. The Chorus takes care of them. The emotionalcommentary is done for you, The greatest chance for the survival of classicaltragedy depends on that. The emotional commentary is done for you. It isjust sufficiently silly; it is also not without firmness; it is more or less human.

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Therefore, you don’t have to worry; even if you don’t feel anything, theChorus will feel in your stead. Why after all can one not imagine that theeffect on you may be achieved, at least a small dose of it, even if you didn’ttremble that much? To be honest, I’m not sure if the spectator ever tremblesthat much. I am, however, sure that he is fascinated by the image of Antigone.In this he is a spectator, but the question we need to ask is, What is he aspectator of? What is the image represented by Antigone? That is the question.Let us not confuse this relationship to a special image with the spectacle asa whole. The term spectacle, which is usually used to discuss the effect oftragedy, strikes me as highly problematic if we don’t delimit the field towhich it refers.心理学空间 aK;z:B:\

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On the level of what occurs in reality, an auditor rather than a spectator isinvolved. And I can hardly be more pleased with myself since Aristotle agreeswith me; for him the whole development of the arts of theater takes place atthe level of what is heard, the spectacle itself being no more than somethingarranged on the margin. Technique is not without significance, but it is notessential; it plays the same role as elocution in rhetoric. The spectacle here isa secondary medium. It is a point of view that puts in its place the modernconcerns with mise en scene or stagecraft. The importance of mise en sceneshould not be underrated, and I always appreciate it both in the theater andin the cinema. But we shouldn’t forget that it is only important – and I hopeyou will forgive the expression – if our third eye doesn’t get a hard-on; it is,so to speak, jerked off a little with the mise en seine.

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In this connection I have no intention of giving myself up to the morosepleasure I was denouncing earlier by affirming a supposed decline in thespectator. I don’t believe in that at all. From a certain point of view, theaudience must always have been at the same level. Sub specie aeternitatiseverything is equal, everything is always there, although it isn’t always in thesame place.

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]Tknz:\9m5Y0关于这点,我没有打算让我自己耽溺于我早先抨击的发泄情绪的快乐,凭借肯定观众的被认为的减少。我根本就不相信那个。从某个观点,观众当时一定总是维持相同的层次。「在永恒的观照下」,每样东西都是相等的,每样东西总是在那里,虽然它未必总是在相同的位置。心理学空间a%F%n s0SK

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But I would just mention in passing that you really have to be a student inmy seminar – by which I mean someone especially alert – to find somethingin the spectacle of Fellini’s La Dolce Vita.心理学空间)^x)p"je1o;GNHJb Y&B

z3B1{ O}8}T7}*W"G0但是我仅是偶然提到,你们确实必须是我的研讨班的学生,(我的意思你们必须专注学习),你们才会发现某件东西,在费里尼的「甜密生活La Dolce Vita.」的景象里。

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M2Y1j V(e jO+c.l0I am amazed at the murmur of pleasure that that name seems to havearoused among a significant number of you here today. I am ready to believethat this effect is only due to the moment of illusion produced by the factthat the things I say are calculated to emphasize a certain mirage, which is,in effect, the only one aimed at in the series of cinematographic images referredto. But it isn’t reached anywhere except at one single moment. That is to sayat the moment when early in the morning among the pines on the edge of thebeach, the jet-setters suddenly begin to move again after having remainedmotionless and almost disappearing from the vibration of the light; they beginto move toward some goal that pleased a great many of you, since you associatedit with my famous Thing, which in this instance is some disgustingobject that has been caught by a net in the sea. Thank goodness, that hadn’tyet been seen at the moment I am referring to. Only the jet-setters start towalk, and they remain almost always as invisible, just like statues movingamong trees painted by Uccello. It is a rare and unique moment. Those ofyou who haven’t been should go and observe what I’ve been teaching youhere. It happens right at the end, so that you can take your seats at the rightmoment, if there are any seats left.心理学空间Aq;_hzvXLE



d8cJs }(d YO-i ^ yf0Now we are ready for Antigone.

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%d?x8eF$P SM0现在我们准备谈论「安提贡尼」。心理学空间OhXyJ}ym/m-R6^

M(E-~gz3r)Iu Dg8H(h6y0Our Antigone is on the point of entering the action of the play, and we willfollow her.心理学空间8hQ+C.az8Pp



«《安提戈涅》与精神分析的伦理学 拉康 | Jacques Lacan
《拉康 | Jacques Lacan》
《悲剧的本质:索福克勒斯的安提戈涅之评论》三 安提贡尼处于两次死亡之间»