作者: Gavin Francis/卫报 / 7759次阅读 时间: 2017年10月19日
来源: 陈明 译 标签: 萨克斯

The River of Consciousness by Oliver Sacks review – an agility of enthusiasms心理学空间1}/C#`$z(MS I;HI


Gavin Francis/卫报
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“医学桂冠诗人”奥利弗·萨克斯。摄影:REX Shutterstock

One March in the mid 1990s I checked into a cheap hotel in Helsinki. I dropped my bag on the floor and, wondering what Finnish daytime television was like, switched on the TV. A darkened room with a dining table came into focus, and around it were six people having a conversation. To my surprise, all were speaking English, then a face I knew filled the screen – it was Oliver Sacks. Then another, Stephen Jay Gould, and another, Daniel Dennett. I had books by all three. It was snowing outside, and Helsinki seemed suddenly less inviting; I sat down on the bed and began to watch.




A Dutch TV company had assembled these men, together with Freeman Dyson, Stephen Toulmin and Rupert Sheldrake, for the round-table finale of a documentary series on science and the meaning of life. The series, A Glorious Accident, didn’t seem to have invited any women to take part but even so I watched it to the end – three hours later. The participants’ areas of expertise were diverse: biology, physics, palaeontology, neuroscience, philosophy. As the only practising clinician, Sacks made perceptive and valuable contributions – and was clearly having fun. I was just starting out in medicine, and it was a relief to see how a lifetime in clinical practice offered insights still relevant across the sciences.


一个荷兰的电视台召集了这些人,加上弗里曼·戴森、斯蒂芬·图尔敏和鲁珀特·谢尔德雷克,他们为科学与生命意义系列纪录片的大结局进行着一场圆桌会议。这是一个辉煌的节目,似乎没有邀请任何妇女参加讨论,即使如此,我还是看了三小时,直到节目结束。参与者的专业领域是多样的:生物学家、物理学家、生物学家、神经科学家、哲学家。萨克斯作为唯一的临床执业医生,做出了敏锐而有价值的贡献。而且显得非常有趣。看到在临床实践中如此地为生命提供了贯穿整个科学领域的见解,这对于刚开始从事医学研究的我来说,是一种解脱。心理学空间0D6}p)O J^uQ\w

Sacks died two years ago in August. A melanoma of the eye, diagnosed nine years earlier, had recurred and metastasised to his liver. The New York Times had referred to Sacks as the “poet laureate of medicine”, and carried an obituary that said that neurological conditions were for him occasions “for eloquent meditations on consciousness and the human condition”. In his last year he put the finishing touches to a memoir (On the Move), and completed some final magazine essays collected soon after his death (Gratitude). In one of his last newspaper pieces he wrote: “I have several other books nearly finished.” We might expect further posthumous essay collections to be on the way.心理学空间,TM!|4M4wY7rK


萨克斯在两年前的八月去世了。一个眼部的黑色素瘤,九年前确诊,复发并转移到了肝脏。《纽约时报》曾把萨克斯称为“医学桂冠诗人”,并发表了一篇讣告说,他当时的神经状况是“意识和人类状况传神的冥想”。在他生命中的最后一年,他为自己的回忆录(On the Move: A Life)润色,并完成了死后不久出版的一些最后的杂志文集(Gratitude)。他在报纸上的最后的一篇文章中写道:“还有几本书,我几乎就要完成了。”我们可能会期待即将出版更多的文集。


Millions of Sacks’s books have been printed around the world, and he once spoke of receiving 200 letters a week from admirers. For those thousands of correspondents, The River of Consciousness will feel like a reprieve – we get to spend time again with Sacks the botanist, the historian of science, the marine biologist and, of course, the neurologist. There are 10 essays here, the majority published previously in the New York Review of Books (the collection is dedicated to its late editor Robert Silvers). Their subject matter reflects the agility of Sacks’s enthusiasms, moving from forgetting and neglect in science to Freud’s early work on the neuroanatomy of fish; from the mental lives of plants and invertebrates to the malleability of our perception of speed.


DdrI c W8AW/h0萨克斯数以百万计的书籍在世界各地印刷,他曾经说过,每周收到200封仰慕者的信。对于那些成千上万的记者而言,看到《意识的河流》,就像是萨克斯仍未过世——我们又要和作为植物学家、科学史学家、海洋生物学家以及神经科学家的萨克斯一起共度时光了。这本书有10篇文章,大多数是发表在纽约的书评(后期由Robert Silvers编纂)。这些主题反映了萨克斯敏锐的热情,从遗忘与忽视的科学到佛洛伊德早期对鱼的神经解剖工作;从植物和无脊椎动物的精神生活到对我们感知速度的延展性。心理学空间7]:D ]&dJ+Zb

The essay on speed has some characteristic flourishes: of Parkinson’s disease, Sacks writes that “being in a slowed state is like being stuck in a vat of peanut butter, while being in an accelerated state is like being on ice”. He is as good on near-death experiences: “There is an intense sense of immediacy and reality, and a dramatic acceleration of thought and perception and reaction.” Sacks has a Jain-like reverence for insects, and delights in comparative neuroanatomical facts: an octopus may have six times more neurons than a mouse; many plants possess nervous systems that move at a thousandth the speed of our own.心理学空间Y6D3SEf&D4m

~ P9i-XEV'|&c0关于速度的文章有一些蓬勃发展的特征,这是关于帕金森病的,萨克斯写道:“处于一个缓慢的状态帕金森病就像被卡在一堆花生酱中,而处于加速状态的帕金森病就像是在冰上”。在这本书中,他也提到了濒死体验方面的经验:“濒死体验有一个强烈的即时感和现实感,思维、知觉和反应速度戏剧性的加快。”萨克斯对昆虫的尊敬如同耆那教一样虔诚,而且欣喜于比较神经解剖学的事实:章鱼神经元可能是老鼠的六倍;许多植物神经系统的速度是我们的一千倍。


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在纽约格林威治村的萨克斯,1961 Photograph: courtesy Oliver Sacks

Plagiarism troubled Sacks, and an essay on memory dovetails with one on creativity, examining how someone can copy another’s work through unconscious repatternings of memory. “Memory arises not only from experience,” he concludes, “but from the intercourse of many minds.” He quotes the letters between Mark Twain and Helen Keller on plagiarism, and his own correspondence with Harold Pinter (whose play A Kind of Alaska was inspired by Sacks’s Awakenings). Most of his books are mentioned in passing, and the chosen essays stand as a kind of testament or gazetteer to their range. Reading them, I was reminded of something Annie Dillard said about the essay form: “The essay is, and has been, all over the map. There’s nothing you cannot do with it; no subject matter is forbidden, no structure is proscribed.”心理学空间A-I}`q&c&hP#l

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Some of the slighter pieces here suffer from being placed between more substantial work, and in one, only one, Sacks’s argument loses coherence. But even then I was conscious of the great premium he placed on flights of ideas: “If the stream of thought is too fast, it may lose itself, break into a torrent of superficial distractions and tangents, dissolve into a brilliant incoherence, a phantasmagoric, almost dreamlike delirium.”心理学空间M'gb a+J wX:s`2I

C P0_&l#N0在更实质性的工作中的唯一一个困扰啊是,萨克斯论点失去连贯性。但是在那个当口我意识到提出的各种想法额外巨大的红利:“如果思想流动得太快,它可能会失去自己,陷入大量表面的心烦意乱和话题突然转向的洪流,并溶化在一片灿烂的不连贯之中,成为变幻不定,几乎梦幻般的谵妄。”心理学空间4Sy3c$fX c4W

Sacks was deliriously in love with details – to the irritation of his editors – and he crammed his books with them. When the text couldn’t take any more, he spilled them over to the bottom of the page. It’s in the footnotes that his treasures are often to be found: in a two-page footnote to his essay “Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science”, Sacks outlines how urgent is the need for reconciliation between psychiatry and neurology, divided now for nearly a century. A “scotoma” is a blind spot in the vision, an area of darkness conjured by irregularities in brain or retinal function:心理学空间m\Z??



If one looks at the charts of patients institutionalized in asylums and state hospitals in the 1920s and 1930s, one finds extremely detailed clinical and phenomenological observations, often embedded in narratives of an almost novelistic richness and density ... this richness and detail and phenomenological openness have disappeared, and one finds instead meagre notes that give no real picture of the patient or his world.心理学空间ma*N#jb




Through the course of the 20th century, the US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (a book conceived to facilitate health insurance billing) has, Sacks insists, impoverished clinical language. “Present-day psychiatric charts in hospitals are almost completely devoid of the depth and density of information one finds in the older charts, and will be of little use in helping us to bring about the synthesis of neuroscience with psychiatric knowledge that we so need.” Earlier in the book he singled out one of the defining moments of that schism, when in 1893 Freud gave up looking for elements of brain pathology that might be relevant to mental health: “The lesion in hysterical paralyses must be completely independent of the nervous system,” Freud wrote, “since in its paralyses and other manifestations hysteria behaves as though anatomy did not exist or as though it had no knowledge of it.”

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We’re still suffering the consequences of that schism: neurological dualism is alive and well. It’s estimated that around a third of patients referred to neurological clinics have no “lesion” that tests or scans can identify. But their problems are not “all in their head” – that catch-all, meaningless phrase that to many implies malingering or hypochondria. Functional illness is neither, and modern psychiatry no less than neurology is tragically ill‑equipped to deal with it. In that Helsinki hotel room I saw Sacks break out of the silos of his training, and offer a more humane vision of what communion between the specialties might bring. Two years after his death, he’s still reminding us that a unified vision is long overdue.心理学空间 UK3r~y#`/L~?



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