作者: 沈志中 / 11425次阅读 时间: 2017年1月01日
来源: 應用心理研究, 第27期
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网參考文獻心理学空间_i7c Rre'TJ

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初稿收件:2003年12月11日 二稿收件:2005年05月09日 審查通過:2005年05月31日 責任編輯:王勇智心理学空间)M3B4xj6w7Xy

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Bk&Q S c2T&V#gi0沈志中 法國巴黎第七大學博士(基礎精神病理學暨精神分析) 台灣大學外國語文學系助理教授

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a"u#@Q;ewa#`[0Research in Applied Psychology, No. 27, Fall 2005, 215-237


Psychoanalysis and the Constitution of French Clinical

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Psychology: A Historical and Critical Review

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1B*Ij-R.B RU0Chih-Chung Shen

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BJW d SE0Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures心理学空间-\Z.i*Rl^hH

0[LVv"k2nv#J0National Taiwan University心理学空间8Xq%onzL/AV

,Y-\gF'Fs!c ^Q0This paper first discusses how psychoanalysis influenced the development of French clinical psychology from a historical perspective. Although psychoanalysis has been a major theoretical basis for French clinical psychology, they are not identical. Their differences can be seen from their divergent conceptions on psychotherapy. For its particularity of treatment, we may further differentiate psychoanalysis from general psychotherapy. Lastly, this paper also attempts to explore what possible roles psychoanalysis may play in contemporary psychotherapy, inferring from examples in France and particularity of psychoanalysis.


&l"J&S,R8K4P0Keywords: clinical psychology, French clinical psychology,

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;u"FK3@;~oP+|0psychoanalysis, psychotherapy. 心理学空间*k)~'E_ t)j4?H d4B^

«拉崗早期精神病書寫 沈志中

