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Temperament and Attention as Core Mechanisms in the Early Emergence of Anxiety

Koraly Pérez-Edgar 2017-8-29

Temperament and Attention as Core Mechanisms in the Early Emergence of Anxiety心理学空间1\8T4bO u
Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Bradley Taber-Thomas, Eran Auday, and Santiago Morales心理学空间 M&mpkx2I&g
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa., USA心理学空间n2i3A,H~D
Published in final edited form as:
%rpd8p5_*^0Contrib Hum Dev. 2014 ; 26: 42–56. doi:10.1159/000354350.心理学空间L+M$~9p8r([?gk

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#r5}?%O0c$Xo!A0xX0Anxiety is a pervasive, impairing, and early appearing form of psychopathology. Even when anxiety remits, children remain at a two- to threefold increased risk for the later emergence of a mood disorder. Therefore, it is imperative to identify and examine underlying mechanisms that may shape early emerging patterns of behavior that are associated with anxiety. One of the strongest and first visible risk factors is childhood temperament. In particular, children who are behaviorally inhibited or temperamentally shy are more likely to exhibit signs of anxiety by adolescence. However, not all shy children do so, despite the early risk. We know that attention mechanisms, particularly the presence of attention biases toward or away from threat, can play a critical role in the emergence of anxiety. The current chapter will bring together these separate lines of research to examine the ways in which attention can modulate the documented link between early temperament and later anxiety. In doing so, the chapter will highlight multiple levels of analysis that focus on the behavioral, cognitive, and neural mechanisms in the temperament-attention-anxiety network. The chapter will help identify both markers and mechanisms of risk, supporting future work aimed at improving theory and intervention by focusing on attention biases to environmental threat.




新一篇:Koraly Perez- Edgar荣获2017~2018年度詹姆斯卡特尔奖

标签: 焦虑 气质

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  • Freud1926d 抑制、症状、焦虑
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  • Freud 1895f《答对焦虑神经症的批判》节录:一个普通的病因公式
  • 兰克:焦虑与个体化
  • 苏利文:焦虑即是被否定的不安