繁体 心理咨询 > 经典精神分析 > 共情 Empathy >

Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS 关系量表(BLRI 调整版)

David Murphy 2013-10-20

Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS心理学空间(fQ\ k K S7\




f[_-H"O0RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY (Adapted from B-L R I)心理学空间f g!z Ix+P

心理学空间;Y)Gd{ s4F

Client Ref: Date: 心理学空间#vI~ D[0H

心理学空间8w1TA Cq6c2D

Gender: M / F 

Xz0OlC*U,E:uv4P0心理学空间2l*L/y7^ jYYj d0G.|

Therapist ID


0FKZ5p|'sD_0Session No. 

DN P\ w.rXd0

J L{Fj!x+Qc0Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. 

7va!Y*\.J Z9O0心理学空间2| BC~)J@)U't

Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 

AS)z] `U!Kx8} A;N0心理学空间 N#@rX"F|A.o

1 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true  心理学空间%|&F C*u9H%D'[9pe.i H1I

/w7W1u @Bs$tW02 = No I feel it is not true 

8e'xS(o.k;G j0

QSu;v'J#j)OXF0M:R03 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true 心理学空间&p[$^,RN:et

%EZ;_[9Q(h*I04 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue 

[H(Em ZU0

sX/i!N O3q05 =Yes I feel it is true 心理学空间 B y)fY xl


6 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 

|W!Q)|i%T0G4Ga XLZ0心理学空间9J-[ {o_ ]2m

=================================心理学空间*KkA_S.y gUtK

5t*|f+{;W$R01 I respect them as a person.我尊敬其人


$s;~3X"FM02 I want to understand how they see things.我想要理解他们如何看待事情

R"}Z`5a-HR HX0

rBhFd"r1ew$SLC03 My interest in them depends on what they say or do.我对他们的兴趣来自他们所说所为

j,D8NJ.};x0心理学空间*{#R g8}!\

4 I am comfortable and at ease in our relationship.在我们的关系中我觉得舒服和放松心理学空间P9jK e$O

B~9|1a'n&m05 I understand their words but I do not understand the way they feel.我理解他们话语中的意思但是我法了解他们的感觉

W d@nQ/WqV3m'b0心理学空间:[2qi/D}o6m

6 Whether they feel happy or unhappy with themselves makes no real difference to the way I feel about them.无论他们自己觉的开心或悲伤,我对待他们的方式横竖一样心理学空间 rOe0g9u,D7U

blg l-NZk07 I feel that I put on a role or a front with them.我觉得我在做戏/打肿脸充胖子心理学空间_F U:_)M&{[


8 I am impatient with them.我对他们很有耐心心理学空间O Sa~*|Q.w

nj1{1A6gx#W1A09 I feel appreciation toward them.我对他们心存感激心理学空间4h(jA8pwO6E/m


10 I usually sense or realise what they are feeling.

1WQK+q#C s)Rv0心理学空间d(KJP'u,RM0\

11 I want them to be a particular kind of person.心理学空间,Q,f `/gekF


12 I nearly always feel that what I say expresses exactly what I am feeling and thinking as I say it.

@f#H#FX+|D0心理学空间 J;qsU'C

13 I find them rather dull and uninteresting.心理学空间P$g&^Rx$I x

\8pK*L1Kz r/G014 My own attitudes towards some of the things they do or say prevents me from understanding them.

r&J9p Pc {0

#yXRxt#S015 They can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of me without really making me feel any differently about them.心理学空间9E{1?? MZH

心理学空间(H:| B'Q H W0tC

16 I want them to think that I like them or understand them more than I really do.心理学空间(D$G3T[e.y+i0`

#Okx||H&Q`017 I just tolerate them.


"LJ!T*W/C%_|018 I usually understand the whole of what they mean.


Ni#n[0B$})KU019 If they show that they are angry with me, I become angry with them, too.


;x#B/Mgc(TQ"C020 I express my true impressions and feelings with them.心理学空间~G%]5?J]pf

m;E4F[mk;n|(o!`021 I am friendly and warm with them.心理学空间s2a;Z'[+^"v[t

]E5D4L{&J2hs+L022 I just take no notice of some things that they think or feel.


(o&[|}ZI023 How much I like or dislike them is not altered by anything that they tell me about their self.心理学空间{ll;q4U9L


24 At times they sense that I am not aware of what I am really feeling with them. 

QD5}W#I@HAsCOD V s0心理学空间;Y@p$Q?S4k6}5q

25 I am openly myself in our relationship.

S9ld*S7R$T.l%U0心理学空间#R i8l DI2x

26 They seem to irritate and bother me.心理学空间a x;bM}&t

t,F6L"y:c h!|!H&X%Z,Q027 I do not realise how sensitive they are about some of the things we discuss.心理学空间;KN/d2\ t}*G/y5F

v$k2aG q$\j$G;P} R028 Whether the ideas and feelings they express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to my feeling toward them.

E/r OZ6{ b0心理学空间Kf y ImBh

29 I understand them.

U:i FF1{/bnU0心理学空间J:F,\%[-z P

30 Sometimes they are more worthwhile in my eyes than they are at other times.心理学空间j,MRm n4r~7K6@


31 I am truly interested in them.心理学空间d;gX&N_Bt(ny0mz

q9\;R+N@!g8|f032 What I say to them often gives a wrong impression of my whole thought or feeling at the time.心理学空间 qG}5q`@

心理学空间 F%^ J3y3zngQ





{%C2V%tJ0 RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY (Adapted from B-L R I)心理学空间t-J"m2B;c&k mh]_V


Client Ref: Date: 


&}'nJD8{$p:MQp0Gender: M / F 心理学空间g,avA/K


Therapist ID


$GRr"i/_drU0Session No. 心理学空间$K%i f4HG!?"f%u9kf


Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 心理学空间%rHLMF SY%A;D*`


1 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true


*Fkcf"`BX02 = No I feel it is not true 


6W O%Ki y3K03 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true

(n(n5BiLX+r0心理学空间!p+V.Qx'mA~u M

4 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue心理学空间;mvA6FpEd

心理学空间*xMr a1{O,Za%n2x

5 =Yes I feel it is true 心理学空间-W(Z6^)Qit]

W {f)sXx06 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 心理学空间 O7Mj!m,Rq eMw

8Z~ L1nL3k M0===================================心理学空间DGjRp@`4o


1 They respect me as a person.心理学空间 PAW(XV

心理学空间G#|)N1uMJ-m O C

2 They want to understand how I see things.

U(nuuEW0心理学空间6M!i NG.[G]&Xv

3 Their interest in me depends on what I say or do.心理学空间 A C1Uhs |

!KaG9L L.B(s%g04 They are comfortable and at ease in our relationship.心理学空间-H'U o,j&t%[

$^{q8JP*Y05 They understand my words but do not understand the way I feel.

UPmVl0心理学空间1?-c3Z4? H{

6 Whether I am feeling happy or unhappy with myself makes no real difference to the way they feel about me.心理学空间1qF1ojFN,Vv

W!S3{ \ { |1f07 I feel that they put on a role or a front with me.

Wygt(}wOHs0心理学空间'bmF B r8h N

8 They are impatient with me.


9nx.K&?7jR3j.WwU09 They feel appreciation toward me.心理学空间Kb pQ/Hg$Pj G Z

nG p$|6E010 They usually sense or realise what I am feeling.


%E9I|F6OP _YS/v!P-s011 They want me to be a particular kind of person.


jt(~ g/? If"V012 I nearly always feel that what they say expresses exactly what they are feeling and thinking as they say it.心理学空间+W2uVmc!^y&vQ6b

心理学空间E9B+B] D

13 They find me rather dull and uninteresting.心理学空间4Nj\1m:ZU


14 Their own attitude towards some of the things I do or say prevents them from understanding me.

Om ].f2n \%UF0心理学空间WTho"xf,_#y2T

15 I can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of them without really making them feel any differently about me.心理学空间W P1g&R(y5]4Fi\1o.I#}

.[!KZLvWQv016 They want me to think that they like me or understand me more than they really do.心理学空间p~#R3IhY$?+j

心理学空间n^ tU*w

17 They just tolerate me.心理学空间P$Yd2Z4`Mw

心理学空间? \%zn.h!}6Z

18 They usually understand the whole of what I mean.


.wR'cxd7E gY1RM019 If I show that I am angry with them they become angry with me, too.

+h'|o5L \ [0心理学空间vf3I3Z4V/x

20 They express their true impressions and feelings with me.心理学空间 z%P6vd!RG

心理学空间SRzJ4JU3Z2u cxc!O/e

21 They are friendly and warm with me.


*o4}7VfK|022 They just take no notice of some things that I think or feel.


W j*|6Ha#N2~023 How much they like or dislike me is not altered by anything that I tell them about myself.心理学空间G&YF2BM1^_*dp R;^

^I[]:^ I(t(?i024 At times I sense that they are not aware of what they are really feeling with me. 心理学空间4HDAcIh

心理学空间'C|? B#K8W Ow

25 They are openly their self in our relationship.

qo ~G Jop0

ooiQM9\|026 I seem to irritate and bother them.心理学空间h+~6D6pP%lVUu[

8m'akj!P C`su027 They do not realise how sensitive I am about some of the things we discuss.


Q9zW+WU6t028 Whether the ideas and feelings I express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to their feeling toward me.

"})mQ yB0

RAn?o+V029 They understand me.

H;wJTf+O0心理学空间:dl:C i4h^

30 Sometimes I am more worthwhile in their eyes than I am at other times.


!b&U7^H8Si$R031 They are truly interested in me.

vSN4BM9^3P.B1d"c0心理学空间 V-o7A Q0q0M)R

32 What they say to me often gives a wrong impression of their whole thought or feeling at the time.心理学空间 B Kzl&Xw-eFl4d8p




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http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/ud51QbwfhrBh   心理学空间?z ke-tG

新一篇:Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI)巴雷莱纳关系问卷简介

标签: 共情 BLRI

  • 他人痛苦,为何也让我们痛苦
  • 共情:一种未被欣赏的存在
  • 共情的神经生物基础
  • 感同身受:镜像神经元
  • Empathy
  • 共情的相关理论评述及动态模型探新
  • Davis共情量表
  • 共情概念的演变