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mints2016-5-25 10:29
轻柔的丝篷          The Silken Tent
弗罗斯特著 陈明译

01 她宛若旷野中轻柔的丝篷    She is as in a field a silken tent 
02 夏日的微风,正午       At midday when a summer breeze
03 拂干了露珠,松软了节节绠糸, Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,
04 牵索的丝线自由自在丝滑地舒展,So that in guys it gently sways at ease, 
05 而那中央支撑的杉木,     And its supporting central cedar pole, 
06 是伸向天国的尖顶       That is its pinnacle to heavenward 
07 却是确实的灵魂,       And signifies the sureness of the soul, 
08 看似了无牵挂于每一根游丝,  Seems to owe naught to any single cord,
09 却又全然地超脱,松散相连,  But strictly held by none, is loosely bound
10 于万千爱与思想的丝带     By countless silken ties of love and thought 
11 以及乾坤经纬之间的万物,   To everything on earth the compass round, 
12 唯有伊人的一丝牵绊      And only by one's going slightly taut
13 在夏日变幻莫测的气息中,   In the capriciousness of summer air
14 记上了心头的牵挂。      Is of the slightest bondage made aware.

它的全部           THE MOST OF IT
弗罗斯特著 陈明译

他以为,是他让这个世界孤独,   He thought he kept the universe alone;
因为,他可唤起的所有应答之声   For all the voice in answer he could wake
只是自我愚弄的回音        Was but the mocking echo of his own
从那树木遮蔽的峭壁越过了湖面而已。From some tree-hidden cliff across the lake
有天早晨,在卵石遍地的滩涂,   Some morning from the boulder-broken beach
他竟为生活大哭,那所需之物    He would cry out on life, that what it wants
不是在辞令中折返之自爱,     Is not its own love back in copy speech,
却是他爱,原初的回应。      But counter-love, original response.
但是任何东西都没有被哭带出来,  And nothing ever came of what he cried
除非这是自己的化身,撞碎在    Unless it was the embodiment that crashed
对岸的峭壁之上,         In the cliff's talus on the other side,
于是在极远之处水沫泼溅,     And then in the far distant water splashed
但稍息的片刻听任其在水中游弋,  But after a time allowed for it to swim,
当它游近,却不被证明它是人类,  Instead of proving human when it neared
亦非除他之外的他者,       And someone else additional to him,
就像一只巨大的雄鹿,猛然地出现, As a great buck It powerfully appeared,
推开狂澜向前,          Pushing the crumpled water up ahead,
并像瀑布一样涌上岸边,      And landed pouring like a waterfall,
又足踏砺音雀跃的穿过砾石,    And stumbled through the rocks with horny tread,
竟风卷残木——而那就是一切。   And forced the underbrush——and that was all.

我可以把一切交给时间 I Could Give All to Time
弗罗斯特著 陈明译

对于时间,它似乎从不,勇敢的   To time it never seems that he is brave
让自己对阵于山峰之雪       To set himself against the peaks of snow
让其匍匐如波涛,         To lay them level with the running wave,
当他们安息之时,没有过多的喜悦  Nor is he overjoyed when they lie low,
而只是静息,凝望与沉重      But only grave, comtemplative and grave.

这有何妨,即使陆地变成孤岛,   What now is inland shall be ocean isle,
即使漩涡回转于沉没的暗礁     Then eddies playing round a sunken reef
就像嘴角微笑的酒窝;       Like the curl at the corner of a smile;
而且我可以共享时间的不悲不喜   And I could share Time's lack of joy or grief
在这样飘忽不定的变化之中。    At such a planetary change of style.

我可以把所有交给时间,除了—除了 I could give all to Time except—except
我已拥有的。但为什么申报     What I myself have held.But why declare
这禁止之物,在海关打盹的时候   The things forbidden that while the Customs slept
我已带过了安检?因为我在这儿,  I have crossed to Safety with? For I am There,
我舍不得我还留着的。       And what I would not part with I have kept.


情感 Affects 与 情绪 emotion
钱谦益 地藏庵记
莎士比亚十四行诗 sonnet20
The arrow 箭