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PTSD的新疗法Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

mints2014-1-01 21:21

PTSD的新疗法Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Soldiers and other service members whose mental health is negatively affected by conflict could see their symptoms improved through the use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), a new study has concluded. The research was carried out at the University of South Florida College of Nursing and involved 57 service members and veterans.

ART is carried out in two stages.


In the first, the patient visualises a traumatic experience that brings on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while their psychologist initiates talking therapy and also gets the patient to follow their hand as it moves left to right.

In the second, the patient is trained to replace the distressing images with positive ones so the former are no longer accessible by the mind.


It was found that this combination of evidence-based psychotherapies and use of eye movements was effective but also more likely to be completed than conventional therapies.

Writing in the journal Military Medicine lead study author Professor Kevin Kip said: "Our goal is to obtain enough evidence and interest to warrant classifying ART as a potential first-line treatment for PTSD among both civilian and military personnel."

However, the British Chartered Psychologist Dr Derek Indoe expressed caution about the advocacy of this new therapy:

“The evidence base in EMDR for addressing single trauma events is already good, but can be improved. EMDR consists of two parts as well - the desensitisation of the traumatic event and the installation of the positive image. EMDR also addresses negative thinking and can be said to share imaginable exposure and approximation to the feared event/ image. EMDR does not require the patient to talk but does require a solid therapeutic alliance.

“So what is new about ART that it has not borrowed from EMDR? We need more rigour in the research that shows why EMDR works, not borrowed pieces of EMDR that stand on weaker evidence.”

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