
  • 依恋研究

    2018-01-16 08:02
    Dr. Patricia Crittenden has developed a developmental sequence of assessments of attachment and self-protective strategy. All are tied to the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of attachment. She and her colleagues offer several courses that teach these methods. The Attachment and Psychopathology course is an overview of the DMM and is prerequisite for the other courses.
    Patricia Crittenden博士开发出一套基于发育次序的依恋及自我保护策略评估工具。所有评估都和依恋的动态成熟模型(DMM)紧密关联。她和她的同事们提供了多种不同的课程来教授这些评估方法。(学习)依恋与精神病理课程为DMM提供了概览,并且是进修其他课程的预设条件。


    • 依恋与精神病理A&P):Attachment & Psychopathology
      This course introduces the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of attachment and ties it to risk assessment and treatment.

    • 依恋与精神病理研讨(A&P ST)Attachment & Psychopathology Consultation
      This course permits clinicians to apply DMM principles to specific cases in a seminar discussion. 
      参阅:依恋与精神病理(A&P ST)课程介绍

    • 关爱指数(CI):CARE-Index
      This is the simplest and most versatile of the DMM assessments. It was developed under Ainsworth's guidance and with consultation from John Bowlby. It assesses mother-infant interaction from birth to about four years of age based on a short, videotaped play interaction of 3-5 minutes.
      这是DMM评估工具中最简单、用途最广泛的一项。这项工具的开发经过Ainsworth的指导,并征询了John Bowlby的意见。它可以通过3-5分钟的(亲子)游戏互动,评估从出生到四岁左右的母婴(亲子)互动质量。

    • 婴儿陌生情境实验(SSP):Infant Strange Situation
      This procedure was developed by Dr. Mary D.S. Ainsworth and is the classic assessment of attachment from which all other assessments are derived and validated. It is suitable for 11-17 month-old infants. 
      该程序由Mary D.S. Ainsworth开发,是经典的依恋评估方法,也是其他所有通过验证的依恋测评工具的依据来源。它的适用对象是11-17个月的婴儿。

    • 学前期依恋评估(PAA):Preschool Assessment of Attachment
      PAA is an instrument for assessing patterns of attachment in 18-month to five-year-old children. It was developed with assistance from Ainsworth. 
    • 学龄期依恋评估(SAA):School-age Assessment of Attachment
      SAA consists of picture cards, such as those developed by Hansburg and Bowlby & Klagsbrun, that are used to elicit fantasy stories and recalled episodes. It is suitable for 6 years until puberty. 

    • 青春期依恋访谈(TAAI):Transition to Adulthood Attachment Interview
      TAAI is an adaptation of the AAI for assessing older adolescents' and young adults' strategies for identifying, preventing, and protecting the self from perceived dangers, particularly dangers tied to intimate relationships. 

    • 成人依恋访谈(AAI):Adult Attachment Interview
      The DMM-AAI is an interview (developed by George, Kaplan, & Main) for assessing adults' strategies for identifying, preventing, and protecting the self from perceived dangers, particularly dangers tied to intimate relationships. 

    Attachment & Psychopathology

    This 3-day course focuses on the development, prevention, and treatment of psychological disorder. It weaves together theory, human development, assessment, case examples, and treatment applications to reframe maladaptive behavior in terms of strategies for self-protection. The course focuses on development from infancy to adulthood, emphasizing the process of adaptation and developmental pathways that carry risk for psychopathology. The model used, the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of Attachment and Adaptation. The DMM is an expansion of the Bowlby-Ainsworth model to ages beyond infancy. The DMM is relevant to individuals who are at-risk, have been exposed to danger, display disturbed or maladaptive behavior, or are diagnosed as having a psychiatric disorder.

    The DMM describes an array of self-protective attachment strategies that develop from infancy to adulthood (including old age). The course emphasizes the process of adaptation and those developmental pathways that carry risk for psychopathology. At each age, the approaches to prevention and treatment are considered. The DMM differs from the ABC+D (plus "disorganization") model of attachment by (1) focusing on differences within the risk group, (2) highlighting a strengths approach to working with parents and children at risk, and (3) presuming that maturation and development increase individuals' potential for adaptation. A particular emphasis is cultural influences on attachment and the distribution of individual differences in protective attachment strategies.

    Readings from Raising Parents: Attachment, Representation, and Treatment accompany each day's lecture and video. Each participant will receive a copy of Raising Parents.

    With additional assignments, the course may be applied to the DMM-informed Mental Health Practitioner Certificate. For further information, contact Dr. Andrea Landini, Director FRI (
    和附加的作业一起,本课程可应用于基于DMM的精神卫生执业者证书申请过程中。进一步信息,有意者可联系Andrea Landini博士(,家庭关系研究所的主席。

    The course is appropriate for: psychology, social work, counseling, medical professions (nursing, psychiatry, pediatrics, occupational therapy, etc.), and early education.

    The course is structured developmentally and consists of lecture with slides, videotapes, and interview transcripts to demonstrate the patterns and principles of development. With the readings, it offers a sound overview of development and an introduction to diagnostic procedures, family formulation, and treatment principles.

    Each day includes:每一天包括:
    • a developmental overview,
    • information processing as it affects self- and child-protective behavior,
    • description of new self-protective strategies that develop at the age level,
    • an application of DMM ideas to generate a novel approach to disorder
    • • treatment strategies drawn from all the major theories of treatment and selected on the basis of information processing and strategy.

    An introduction is given to the DMM assessments of attachment:
    • CARE-Index (infancy from birth to 24 months)
    • Ainsworth Strange Situation (SSP, 11-15 months)
    • Toddler CARE-Index (15-36 months)
    • Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA, 2 - 5 years)
      学前期依恋评估(PAA,2 - 5岁)
    • School-age Assessment of Attachment (SAA, 6-13 years)
    • Transition to Adulthood Attachment Interview (TAAI, 16-25 years)
    • Adult Attachment Interview (AAI, 25 years and older)
    • Parents Interview 

    Crittenden, P. M. (2015). Raising parents: Attachment, representation, and treatment, 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

    The A & P is part of the DMM-informed Mental Health Practitioner Certificate and prerequisite to all assessment courses, e.g., the Adult Attachment Interview.

    Approximate Daily Schedule
    Actual times may vary depending upon delegates' input

    Day 1
    Overview of the principles and clinical applications of the DMM
    The transition to Adulthood (best time for prevention)
    Dangerous gaps in services & preventive opportunities
    Infancy & parental protection
    CARE-Index videos
    Child abuse and neglect

    Day 2
    The Ainsworth patterns of attachment
    Disorders versus diseases
    Mothers' post-natal depression & adult psychoses
    Preschool development and the dynamic-maturational model
    The coercive and compulsive self-protective strategies
    Preschool videos

    Day 3
    School-age: Peers, obsessive & deceptive strategies
    The School-age Assessment of Attachment & discourse analysis
    Conduct problems & children's psychotic intrusions
    Adolescence: Integrating sexuality with attachment
    Sexual disorders and sexual offending
    Transition to Adulthood Attachment Interview

    Summary & overview
    New skills to be learned
    • Perceiving discrepant behavior: seeing commonly overlooked clues to trouble
    • Identifying false positive affect: uncovering hidden problems in their early stages
    • Differentiating symptoms & self-protective strategies: specifying how symptoms function
    • Using functional formulations: moving beyond diagnoses to understanding behavior
    • Treatment planning: choosing treatment strategies to
      *increase efficiency提高效率
      *lower cost降低成本
      reduce risk of iatrogenic harm降低医源性危害的风险

    Take-away Tools
    • Level of Family Functioning Scale
    • Gradient of Intervention Scale
      Downloadable materials可下载的材料 (on
    • Daily text of slides (with registration only)
    • Color models of strategies
    • Numerous published papers

    Language: This course is offered in English with English materials. A corresponding course is available in Italian with Italian materials and in Chinese with Chinese materials. The course is being developed in Spanish. Courses in successive translation necessarily take longer or cover less material.


    Overview Course: Attachment and Psychopathology Consultation

    This seminar will be open to a small group of clinicians who have attended Attachment and Psychopathology. Each attendee will bring a case that will be presented to the group for formulation and case planning. The case itself will include a focused clinical question for the group to address, 5-20 minutes of selected videotaped sequences (the context to be chosen by the clinician), a written history, and consent for presentation. The product will be a brief strategic formulation and suggestions of next steps to take, either in obtaining needed information or in provision of treatment. Treatment suggestions will be accompanied by ways to access with the treatment is having the desired effect.



    The Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA)

    The Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA) is an instrument for assessing patterns of attachment in 18-month to five-year-old children*. The procedure involves a dynamic-maturational expansion of the Ainsworth classificatory method (Crittenden, 1992). Like the Ainsworth Strange Situation for infants, the PAA involves a 20-minute laboratory procedure and takes three people to carry out (plus the child and mother). Classification is based on careful review of the videotape and takes approximately one-half hour per videotape.
    学前期依恋评估(PAA)是评估18个月至5岁儿童依恋模式的工具。这套评估体系是基于Ainsworth依恋分类动态成熟模型的扩展。(Crittenden,1992)。 像Ainsworth的婴儿陌生情境实验一样,PAA包括20分钟的实验过程,需要三个人共同完成(加上孩子和母亲)。 分类基于仔细查看录像带,每个录像带需要大约一个半个小时。

    Dynamic-Maturational Classifications in the Preschool Years
    The classificatory system includes all of the categories of the infant procedure (i.e., A1-2, B1-4, C1-2, A/C), plus several patterns that develop during or after the preoperational shift at the end of the second year of life. Specifically, Ainsworth's three basic strategies for negotiating interpersonal relationships are modified to fit preschoolers' more sophisticated mental skills and organizations of behavior. Thus, the patterns are renamed as secure/balanced (Type B), defended (Type A) and coercive (Type C).
    这一分类系统包括了所有的婴儿依恋类型(例如,A1-2,B1-4,C1-2,A / C),在婴儿出生第二年的末期开始增加几种类型,形成在前运算期间或者之后的转变。确切的说,修改了Ainsworth协调人际关系的三个基本策略,以适应学龄前儿童更复杂的心理技能和行为。因此,这些模式被重命名为安全/平衡型(B型),防御型(A型)和胁迫型(C型)。

    With the addition of several new subpatterns, the PAA sets the stage for the even more complex patterns of behavior that are observed at later ages, especially in the school years. Furthermore, a particular advantage of the expanded classificatory system used in the PAA as compared to other classificatory systems is that it differentiates "unendangered" A1-2 and C1-2 children from those using the compulsive (A+) and obsessive (C+) subpatterns. These patterns, i.e, the compulsive caregiving A3, compulsive compliant A4, aggressive C3 and feigned helpless C4 subpatterns, identify the children most likely to come from troubled homes and most likely to experience psychological, social, developmental, and learning problems. These coercive and defended subpatterns as well as the compulsive/obsessive A/C pattern have implications for emotional and behavioral problems that develop during the preschool and school years.
    随着几个新的子模式的添加,PAA为更复杂的行为模式奠定了基础,这些行为模式出现在之后的年龄段,特别是在学龄期。此外,与其他分类系统相比,PAA中使用的扩展分类系统有一个特别的优势,它将“没有危险的”的A1-2和C1-2儿童与使用强迫型(A +)和胁迫型(C +)子模式的儿童区分开来。通过这一分类系统(如:强迫性照护A3,强迫性顺从A4,攻击C3和假装无助C4等子模式),可识别出最有可能来自问题家庭的孩子,也最有可能经历心理、社会、发展和学习问题的孩子。这些强制型和防御型子模式以及强迫/胁迫A / C模式对于在学龄前和学龄期间发展的情感和行为问题都有影响。

    Training courses

    The two-week course is taught from videotapes and depends upon both maternal and child behavior. Non-verbal behavior, interpersonal strategies, and developmental processes are emphasized. The course includes a preliminary reliability test based on a standardized set of American mother-child dyads. During the course, participants generate a set of videotapes that reflect their intended applications and culture(s). These tapes are used to assess the participant's competence in administering the procedure.

    As with all courses offered by Dr. Crittenden, participants are given a written and signed statement of their percent agreement with the standard. This reliability can be reported in research articles. Evidence of reliability should be requested if the participant will code data for another researcher.

    To inquire about the course in general, interested parties can contact Dr. Crittenden directly. To register for courses, individuals should check the training section listed on this web page and contact the relevant organizer. Dr. Crittenden does not handle registration or fee payment. Requests to run a new course can be directed to Dr. Crittenden.

    * The period from 15-21 months must be interpolated between the Ainsworth infancy and the preschool systems.

    Studies using the Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA)
    * Barnett, D., Butler, C. M., & Vondra J. I. (1999). Atypical patterns of early attachment: Discussion and future directions. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 64 (3), 119-144.
    * Chisholm, K. (1998). A three year follow-up of attachment and indiscriminate friendliness in children adopted from Romanian orphanages. Child Development, 69, (4), 1090-1104.
    * Chisholm, K. (2000). Attachment in children adopted from Romanian orphanages: Two case studies. In P. M. Crittenden & A. H. Claussen (Eds.), The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    * Claussen, A. H., & Anderson, W. (April, 1997). Attachment in children prenatally exposed to cocaine: Disorganization and the emergence of new subpatterns of attachment. Paper presented in P. M. Crittenden (Chair), Continuity and change in quality of attachment: A dynamic-maturational model and expanded classificatory system. Symposium conducted at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Washington, D.C.
    * Crittenden, P. M. (1988-1994). Preschool Assessment of Attachment Manual. Unpublished manuscript available from the author.
    * Crittenden, P. M. (1992). Quality of attachment in the preschool years. Development and Psychopathology, 4, 209-241.
    * Crittenden, P. M. (1999). Danger and development: The organization of self-protective strategies. In J. I. Vondra and D. Barnett (Eds.), Atypical attachment in infancy and early childhood among children at developmental risk. Monographs of the Society for Research on Child Development (pp. 145-171).
    * Fagot, B., & Pears, K. (1996). From infancy to seven years: Continuities and change. Development and Psychopathology, 8, 325-344.
    * Head, T., & Williams, T. M. (March, 1995). Children's and their parents' conceptualizations of attachment. Paper presented in the symposium "Quality of attachment in the preschool years," Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.
    * Lippe, A. von der, & Crittenden, P. M. (2000). Patterns of attachment in young Egyptian children. In P. M. Crittenden & A. H. Claussen (Eds.), The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    * MacBeth, T. M., Head, T., & Clark, M. (August, 1996). A new measure of children's conceptualizations of their primary attachment relationships. Poster, XIVth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Development, Quebec City.
    * Moilanen, I., Kunelius, A., Tirkkonnen, T. & Crittenden, P. (2000). Attachment in Finnish twins. In P. M. Crittenden & A. H. Claussen (Eds.), The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    * Moore, L., Crawford, F., & Lester, J. (under review). Security of attachment at 30 months: Maternal infant, and family variables. Presented in the symposium 'Quality of attachment in the preschool years,' organized by P.M. Crittenden, International Conference on Infant Studies, Paris, June, 1994.
    * Rauh, H., Ziegenhain, U., M¸ller, B., Wijnroks, L. (2000). Stability and change in infant-mother attachment in the second year of life: Relations to parenting quality and varying degrees of daycare experience. In P. M. Crittenden & A. H. Claussen (Eds.), The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    * Shaw, D. S., Owens, E. B., Vondra, J. I., Keenan, K. (1996). Early risk factors and pathways in the development of early disruptive behavior problems. Development and Psychopathology, 8, 679-699.
    * Teti, D.M. (2000). Maternal depression and child-mother attachment in the first three years: A view from the intermountain west. In P. Crittenden & A. H. Claussen (Eds.), The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    * Teti, D. M., & Gelfand, D. M. (1997). The Preschool Assessment of Attachment: Construct validity in a sample of depressed and nondepressed families. Development and Psychopathology, 9 (3): 517-536.
    * Teti, D. M., & Gelfand, D. M., Messinger, D. S., & Isabella, R. (1995), Correlates of preschool attachment security in a sample of depressed and non-depressed mothers. Developmental Psychology, 31, 364-376.
    * Teti, D. M., Heaton, N. Benjamin, L. S., & Gelfand, D. M. (1995, May-Dec.). Quality of attachment and caregiving among depressed mother-child dyads: Strange situation classifications and the SASB Coding System. Paper presented in S. Petrinovitch (chair), Patterns of early socialization: Behavioral ecology of attachment. Symposium conducted at the Society for Applied Behavioral Analysis. Washington, D.C.
    * Vondra, J. I., Shaw, D. S., Swearingen, L., Cohen, M., & Owens, E. B. (in press). Attachment stability and emotional and behavioral regulation from infancy to preschool age. Development and Psychopathology.
    * Vondra, J. I., Shaw, D. S., Swearingen, L., Cohen, M., & Owens, E. B. (1999). Early relationship quality from home to school: A longitudinal study. Early Education and Development, 10 (2), 163-190.
    * Ziegenhain, U., Mueller, B., & Rauh, H. (1996). Fruehe Bindungserfahrungen und Verhaltensauffaelligkeiten bei Kleinkindern in einer sozialen und kognitiven Anforderungssituation. / The influence of attachment quality and intensity of attachment insecurity on cognitive performances and emotional states of 20-month-old infants in a test situation. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 45 (3-4), 95-102.

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